Viewing tenant settings in Kaspersky Security Center

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You can view the settings of every tenant in your account.

Your account in Kaspersky Security Center Web Console or Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console must have a role with the following access rights: Incident access and Tenant management, and the ability to view, add, edit, and delete tenants in the MDR section in Kaspersky Security Center.

To view tenant settings:

  1. In the MDR section of Kaspersky Security Center, click the Tenants tab.

    The Tenants list appears. Each line represents one tenant. You can click anywhere on the line to view tenant information.

  2. Click the line with the tenant whose details you want to view.

    The Tenant settings block appears.

    The setting starts with the Active toggle button showing whether a tenant is active or not. If necessary, you can switch the Active toggle button. Below, the following fields are present:

    • Name
    • ID
    • Description
    • Number of assets
    • Configuration files for the tenant
  3. In the lower part of the Tenant settings block, click the Close button to close the block.

You can also view tenant settings in MDR Web Console.

See also:

Deployment of Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response

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