KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
wstring PackagesApi::RetranslateToVServerAsync ( int  nPackageId,
int  nVServerId,
params  pOptions 

Retranslate package to a Virtual Server (asynchronously).

nPackageId(int) Package ID.
nVServerId(int ) Virtual server ID.
pOptions(paramParams) Options container.
  • "KLPKG_CREATE_STANDALONE_PRODS" - Create standalone packages for products (paramBool)
  • "KLPKG_CREATE_STANDALONE_NAGT" - Create standalone packages for agents (paramBool)
  • "KLPKG_USE_LANGUAGE_TAG" - Use the information about package language (paramString)
  • "KLPKG_TYPE" - Package type (not masked, only one value) enum value (paramLong)
    • 1 = Common package
    • 2 = Install package
    • 4 = Patch package
    • 8 = Uninstall package
    • 16 = OS image
    • 32 = Published package
  • "KLPKG_LAZY_RETRANSLATION" - Is lazy retranslation (paramBool)
(wstring) Request ID used to subscribe to the event that is triggered when operation is complete.
Check the operation state by calling AsyncActionStateChecker::CheckActionState periodically until it's finalized. If the operation succeeds then AsyncActionStateChecker::CheckActionState does not return any attributes in pStateData container. If the action failed then call to AsyncActionStateChecker::CheckActionState returns error in pStateData.
Throwsexception in case of error.