KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
params PackagesApi::RecordNewPackage ( wstring  wstrPackageName,
wstring  wstrFolder,
wstring  wstrProductName,
wstring  wstrProductVersion,
wstring  wstrProductDisplName,
wstring  wstrProductDisplVersion 

Creates a package with the default settings based on the product, overwritten in the folder, the path to which was obtained by calling the PackagesApi::GetIntranetFolderForNewPackage.

wstrPackageName(wstring) Package name.
wstrFolder(wstring) Product folder (obtained by calling the PackagesApi::GetIntranetFolderForNewPackage).
wstrProductName(wstring) Product name.
wstrProductVersion(wstring) Product version.
wstrProductDisplName(wstring) Product display name.
wstrProductDisplVersion(wstring) Product display version.
(paramParams) Container with package attributes List of package attributes.
Throwsexception in case of error.