KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
array PackagesApi::GetUserAgreements ( )

Request user agreements related to user packages, registered on current VS.

(array) of (paramParams), each element describes an agreement and might contain the following attributes:
  • "nEulaDbId" - Database id of EULA (paramInt).
  • "nAgreementType" - type of the user license agreement (paramInt, AT_EULA = 0, AT_KSN = 1).
  • "strEULA" - Agreement text (paramString).
  • "KLPKG_LANG_TAG" - Agreement language tag (paramString).
  • "bEulaAccepted" - true if the agreement is accepted for the current virtual server, false if it's not (paramBool).
  • "nLCID" - Agreement LCID (paramInt).
Throwsexception in case of error.