KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
PackagesApi::SS_Write ( wstring  wstrStorageDescr,
wstring  wstrName,
wstring  wstrVersion,
wstring  wstrSection,
params  pData,
int  nTimeoutMsec,
int  nOperationType 

Write settings storage data.

wstrStorageDescr(wstring) Settings storage descriptor.
wstrName(wstring) Settings storage name.
wstrVersion(wstring) Settings storage version.
wstrSection(wstring) Settings storage section.
pData(paramParams) Data to be written.
nTimeoutMsec(int) Timeout of operation (in milliseconds).
nOperationType(int) Type of operation (enum)
  • 1 = "Update", updates existing variables in the specified section. If a variable does not exist an error occurs.
  • 2 = "Add", adds new variables to the specified section. If a variable already exists an error occurs.
  • 3 = "Replace", replaces variables in the specified section. If a variable already exists it will be updates, if a variable does not exist it will be added.
  • 4 = "Clear", replaces existing section contents with pData, i.e. existing section contents will deleted and variables from pData will be written to the section
  • 5 = "Delete", deletes variables specified in pData from the specified section.
Throwsexception in case of error.