KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
PackagesApi::SS_SectionOperation ( wstring  wstrStorageDescr,
wstring  wstrName,
wstring  wstrVersion,
wstring  wstrSection,
int  nTimeoutMsec,
int  nOperationType 

Perform operation on a settings storage section.

wstrStorageDescr(wstring) Settings storage descriptor.
wstrName(wstring) Settings storage name.
wstrVersion(wstring) Settings storage version.
wstrSection(wstring) Settings storage section.
nTimeoutMsec(int) Timeout of operation (in milliseconds).
nOperationType(int) Type of operation (enum).
  • 1 = "Create", adds new section to the setting storage. If a section already exists an error occurs.
  • 2 = "Delete", deletes section from setting storage.
Throwsexception in case of error.