KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
wstring PackagesApi::GetExecutablePkgFileAsync ( params  pParams,
int  nPackageId 

Get standalone package file attributes (asynchronously).

pParams(paramParams) Options container (reserved for future use).
nPackageId(int) Executable package ID.
(wstring) Request ID used to subscribe to the event that is triggered when operation is complete.
Check the operation state by calling AsyncActionStateChecker::CheckActionState periodically until it's finalized or cancel it by calling PackagesApi::CancelGetExecutablePkgFile. If the operation succeeds then AsyncActionStateChecker::CheckActionState returns these attributes in pStateData container:
  • KLPKG_EP_EXECID - (int) ID of the standalone package.
  • KLPKG_EP_FILENAME - (wstring) short name of excutable binary
  • KLPKG_EP_FILESIZE - (int) Size (in bytes) of the standalone package file.
  • KLPKG_EP_SHA256 - (wstring) Package Sha256 (in hex format)
  • KLPKG_EP_DOWNLOAD_PATH - (wstring) Download path of the standalone package file. File should be downloaded right after the action is finalized, and in the same network session.
    To download it, client should send an HTTP GET-request to the URL of format as follows:
    "http://host:port" + KLPKG_EP_DOWNLOAD_PATH If the action failed then call to AsyncActionStateChecker::CheckActionState returns error in pStateData.
Throwsexception in case of error.