
July 3, 2024

ID 90

Activating an application

The process of activating a license that allows you to use a fully featured version of the application until the license expires.

Activation code

A code provided by Kaspersky when you receive a trial license or buy a commercial license to use Kaspersky Security. This code is required to activate the application.

The activation code is a unique sequence of twenty Latin characters and numerals in the format XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX.

Active key

The key that is currently being used by the application.

Administration group

A set of devices in Kaspersky Security Center that share common functions and a set of Kaspersky applications installed on these devices. Devices are grouped so that they can be managed conveniently as a single unit. An administration group may include other groups. It is possible to create group policies and group tasks for each installed application in the administration group.

Administration Server

A component of Kaspersky Security Center providing centralized storage of information about all Kaspersky applications that are installed on the corporate network. It can also be used to manage these applications.

Application activation task

Adds a license key to SVMs selected during task creation.

Application database update task

During the execution of the task, Kaspersky Security Center automatically distributes and installs application database updates on SVMs.


A dedicated storage for backup copies of files that have been deleted or modified during disinfection.

Backup copy of a file

A copy of a virtual machine file that is created when this file is disinfected or removed. Backup copies of files are stored in Backup in a special format and pose no danger.

Compound file

A compound file is comprised of several individual files that are stored in one physical file, and each of those files is accessible. Examples of compound files include archives, installation packages, embedded OLE objects, and files in email formats. A common technique for concealing viruses is to implant them into compound files. To detect viruses concealed using this method, the compound file must be unpacked.

Custom Scan task

Determines the settings for scanning files of the specified virtual machines from the task scope. The scope of a task depends on where the task is located within the hierarchy of administration groups of Kaspersky Security Center, and depends on the Kaspersky Security administration plug-in that you use to create the task.

Database of malicious web addresses

A list of addresses of web resources whose content may be considered to be dangerous. The list is created by Kaspersky experts. It is regularly updated and included in the Kaspersky application distribution kit.

Database of phishing web addresses

A list of web addresses which Kaspersky experts have determined to be phishing-related. The database is regularly updated and included in the Kaspersky application distribution kit.

Desktop key

A license key that matches the licensing scheme in terms of the number of virtual machines with desktop operating systems.

End User License Agreement

A binding agreement between you and AO Kaspersky Lab that stipulates the terms on which you may use the application.

Full Scan task

Determines the settings for scanning files of all virtual machines within the task scope. The scope of a task depends on where the task is located within the hierarchy of administration groups of Kaspersky Security Center, and depends on the Kaspersky Security administration plug-in that you use to create the task.

Kaspersky CompanyAccount

A portal for sending requests to Kaspersky and tracking the progress made in processing them by the Kaspersky experts.

Kaspersky Security Network (KSN)

An infrastructure of cloud services that provides access to the Kaspersky online Knowledge Base which contains information about the reputation of files, web resources, and software. The use of data from Kaspersky Security Network ensures faster responses from Kaspersky applications to threats, improves the performance of certain protection components, and reduces the likelihood of false alarms.

Key file

A file of the xxxxxxxx.key type, which is provided by Kaspersky when you receive a trial license or buy a commercial license to use Kaspersky Security. A key file is required to activate the application.

Key with a limitation on the number of processor cores

A license key that matches the licensing scheme in terms of the number of cores in physical processors used on hypervisors on which protected virtual machines are running.

Key with a limitation on the number of processors

A license key that matches the licensing scheme in terms of the number of processors used on hypervisors on which protected virtual machines are running.

KSC cluster

In Kaspersky Security Center: set of SVMs deployed on VMware ESXi hypervisors managed by a standalone VMware vCenter Server or by all VMware vCenter Servers connected to one VMware Cloud Director.

KSC cluster protected infrastructure

VMware virtual infrastructure objects managed by a VMware vCenter Server or VMware Cloud Director Server corresponding to the KSC cluster.


A time-limited right to use the application, granted under the End User License Agreement.

License certificate

A document that Kaspersky transfers to the user together with the key file or activation code. It contains information about the license granted to the user.

License key (key)

A unique alphanumeric sequence. A license key makes it possible to use the application on the terms of the End User License Agreement (type of license, license validity term, license restrictions). You may use the application only when you have a license key file.

Main protection profile

The main protection profile is generated automatically when a policy is created and contains the File Threat Protection settings. The main protection profile cannot be deleted, but the values of its settings can be changed.

Multitenancy mode

An application operating mode in which one instance of the application installed in the infrastructure of the anti-virus protection provider gives multiple tenant organizations the ability to independently manage the protection of their virtual infrastructure.

Network Agent

A Kaspersky Security Center component that handles interaction between the Administration Server and Kaspersky Security components installed on SVMs. The Network Agent component is the same for all Kaspersky applications that run on Windows. There are separate versions of Network Agent for Kaspersky applications that run on Novell, UNIX, and Mac.

OLE object

An object attached to another file or embedded into another file through the use of the Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) technology. An example of an OLE object is a Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet embedded into a Microsoft Office Word document.


Defines the settings for protection of virtual machines against viruses and other malware, the settings for protection of virtual machines against network threats, Backup settings, and the settings for the use of Kaspersky Security Network.

Protection profile

A protection profile defines the virtual machine file threat protection settings as part of a policy. A policy can include multiple protection profiles (main protection profile and additional protection profiles).

Protection profiles are assigned to virtual machines and other VMware virtual infrastructure objects. Only one protection profile may be assigned to a single virtual infrastructure object. An SVM protects the virtual machine according to the settings configured in the protection profile that has been assigned to it.

Virtual machines that have no assigned protection profile are excluded from protection.

Reserve key

A key that entitles the user to use the application, but is not currently in use.

Server key

A license key that matches the licensing scheme in terms of the number of virtual machines with server operating systems.


Secure virtual machine, SVM. A virtual machine deployed on a VMware ESXi hypervisor with a Kaspersky Security component installed.

Update rollback task

During the execution of the task, Kaspersky Security Center rolls back the latest application database updates on SVMs.

Updates source

Resource that contains updates for databases and application software modules of Kaspersky applications. The update source for Kaspersky Security is the storage of the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server.

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