Kaspersky Security 11.x for Windows Server

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server uninstallation

June 10, 2022

ID 147686

Dump and trace files are not deleted on uninstalling Kaspersky Security for Windows Server. You can manually delete dump and trace files from the folder specified during the configuration of dump and trace files writing.

The names of settings may vary under different Windows operating systems.

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server can be uninstalled from the protected device using the Setup / Uninstallation Wizard.

After uninstalling Kaspersky Security for Windows Server from a protected device a restart may be required. The restart can be postponed.

Uninstallation, repair and installation of the application is not available via the Windows Control Panel if the operating system uses the UAC feature (User Account Control) or access to the application is password protected.

If application management is password protected, Kaspersky Security for Windows Server requests the password when you attempt to remove components or modify the set of components in the Setup Wizard.

To uninstall Kaspersky Security for Windows Server:

  1. In the Start menu, select All programs.
  2. Select Kaspersky Security for Windows Server.
  3. Select Modify or Remove Kaspersky Security for Windows Server.

    The Setup Wizard's Modify, repair or remove installation window opens.

  4. Select Remove software components. Click the Next button.

    The Advanced application uninstallation settings window opens.

  5. If necessary, in the Advanced application uninstallation settings window:
    1. Select the Export quarantine objects check box to make Kaspersky Security for Windows Server export objects that have been quarantined. The check box is cleared by default.
    2. Check the Export Backup objects check box to export objects from Kaspersky Security for Windows Server Backup. The check box is cleared by default.
    3. Click the Save to button and select the folder to which you want to export the objects. By default, the objects will be exported to %ProgramData%\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Security for Windows Server\Uninstall.

      Click the Next button.

  6. In the Ready to uninstall window, confirm the uninstallation by clicking the Uninstall button.
  7. In the window that opens when the uninstallation is complete, click the OK button.

Kaspersky Security for Windows Server will be uninstalled from the protected device.

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