Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows 11.6.0
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- Frequently asked questions
- What's new
- Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows
- Installing and removing the application
- Deployment through Kaspersky Security Center 12
- Installing the application locally using the Wizard
- Installing the application from the command line
- Remotely installing the application using System Center Configuration Manager
- Description of setup.ini file installation settings
- Change application components
- Upgrading from a previous version of the application
- Remove the application
- Application licensing
- Data provision
- Getting started
- About the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows Management Plug-in
- Special considerations when working with different versions of management plug-ins
- Special considerations when using encrypted protocols for interacting with external services
- Application interface
- Getting started
- Managing policies
- Task management
- Configuring local application settings
- Starting and stopping Kaspersky Endpoint Security
- Pausing and resuming computer protection and control
- Scanning the computer
- Starting or stopping a scan task
- Changing the security level
- Changing the action to take on infected files
- Generating a list of objects to scan
- Selecting the type of files to scan
- Optimizing file scanning
- Scanning compound files
- Using scan methods
- Using scan technologies
- Selecting the run mode for the scan task
- Starting a scan task under the account of a different user
- Scanning removable drives when they are connected to the computer
- Background scan
- Checking the integrity of application
- Updating databases and application software modules
- Database and application module update scenarios
- Starting and stopping an update task
- Starting an update task under the rights of a different user account
- Selecting the update task run mode
- Adding an update source
- Configuring updates from a shared folder
- Updating application modules
- Using a proxy server for updates
- Last update rollback
- Working with active threats
- Computer protection
- File Threat Protection
- Enabling and disabling File Threat Protection
- Automatic pausing of File Threat Protection
- Changing the action taken on infected files by the File Threat Protection component
- Forming the protection scope of the File Threat Protection component
- Using scan methods
- Using scan technologies in the operation of the File Threat Protection component
- Optimizing file scanning
- Scanning compound files
- Changing the scan mode
- Web Threat Protection
- Enabling and disabling Web Threat Protection
- Changing the action to take on malicious web traffic objects
- Scanning URLs against databases of phishing and malicious web addresses
- Using heuristic analysis in the operation of the Web Threat Protection component
- Creating the list of trusted web addresses
- Exporting and importing the list of trusted web addresses
- Mail Threat Protection
- Enabling and disabling Mail Threat Protection
- Changing the action to take on infected email messages
- Forming the protection scope of the Mail Threat Protection component
- Scanning compound files attached to email messages
- Filtering email message attachments
- Exporting and importing extensions for attachment filtering
- Scanning emails in Microsoft Office Outlook
- Network Threat Protection
- Firewall
- BadUSB Attack Prevention
- AMSI Protection
- Exploit Prevention
- Behavior Detection
- Enabling and disabling Behavior Detection
- Selecting the action to take on detecting malware activity
- Protection of shared folders against external encryption
- Enabling and disabling protection of shared folders against external encryption
- Selecting the action to take on detection of external encryption of shared folders
- Creating an exclusion for protection of shared folders against external encryption
- Configuring addresses of exclusions from protection of shared folders against external encryption
- Exporting and importing a list of exclusions from protection of shared folders against external encryption
- Host Intrusion Prevention
- Remediation Engine
- Kaspersky Security Network
- Encrypted connections scan
- File Threat Protection
- Computer control
- Web Control
- Enabling and disabling Web Control
- Actions with web resource access rules
- Exporting and importing the list of web resource addresses
- Monitoring user Internet activity
- Editing templates of Web Control messages
- Editing masks for web resource addresses
- Migrating web resource access rules from previous versions of the application
- Device Control
- Enabling and disabling Device Control
- About access rules
- Editing a device access rule
- Editing a connection bus access rule
- Adding a Wi-Fi network to the trusted list
- Monitoring usage of removable drives
- Changing the caching duration
- Actions with trusted devices
- Obtaining access to a blocked device
- Editing templates of Device Control messages
- Anti-Bridging
- Adaptive Anomaly Control
- Enabling and disabling Adaptive Anomaly Control
- Enabling and disabling an Adaptive Anomaly Control rule
- Modifying the action taken when an Adaptive Anomaly Control rule is triggered
- Creating an exclusion for an Adaptive Anomaly Control rule
- Exporting and importing exclusions for Adaptive Anomaly Control rules
- Applying updates for Adaptive Anomaly Control rules
- Editing Adaptive Anomaly Control message templates
- Viewing Adaptive Anomaly Control reports
- Application Control
- Application Control functionality limitations
- Enabling and disabling Application Control
- Selecting the Application Control mode
- Working with Application Control rules in the application interface
- Managing Application Control rules in Kaspersky Security Center
- Receiving information about the applications that are installed on users' computers
- Creating application categories
- Adding executable files from the Executable files folder to the application category
- Adding event-related executable files to the application category
- Adding and modifying an Application Control rule using Kaspersky Security Center
- Changing the status of an Application Control rule via Kaspersky Security Center
- Exporting and importing Application Control rules
- Testing Application Control rules using Kaspersky Security Center
- Viewing events resulting from test operation of the Application Control component
- Viewing a report on blocked applications in test mode
- Viewing events resulting from operation of the Application Control component
- Viewing a report on blocked applications
- Testing Application Control rules
- Application activity monitor
- Rules for creating name masks for files or folders
- Editing Application Control message templates
- Best practices for implementing a list of allowed applications
- Network ports monitoring
- Web Control
- Expanding Threat Protection
- Wipe Data
- Password protection
- Trusted zone
- Managing Backup
- Notification service
- Managing reports
- Kaspersky Endpoint Security Self-Defense
- Kaspersky Endpoint Security performance and compatibility with other applications
- Creating and using a configuration file
- Restoring the default application settings
- Messaging between users and the administrator
- Data Encryption
- Encryption functionality limitations
- Changing the length of the encryption key (AES56 / AES256)
- Kaspersky Disk Encryption
- Special features of SSD drive encryption
- Full disk encryption using Kaspersky Disk Encryption technology
- Creating a list of hard drives excluded from encryption
- Exporting and importing a list of hard drives excluded from encryption
- Enabling Single Sign-On (SSO) technology
- Managing Authentication Agent accounts
- Using a token and smart card with Authentication Agent
- Hard drive decryption
- Restoring access to a drive protected by Kaspersky Disk Encryption technology
- Updating the operating system
- Eliminating errors of encryption functionality update
- Selecting the Authentication Agent tracing level
- Editing Authentication Agent help texts
- Removing leftover objects and data after testing the operation of Authentication Agent
- BitLocker Management
- File Level Encryption on local computer drives
- Encrypting files on local computer drives
- Forming encrypted file access rules for applications
- Encrypting files that are created or modified by specific applications
- Generating a decryption rule
- Decrypting files on local computer drives
- Creating encrypted packages
- Restoring access to encrypted files
- Restoring access to encrypted data after operating system failure
- Editing templates of encrypted file access messages
- Encryption of removable drives
- Viewing data encryption details
- Working with encrypted devices when there is no access to them
- Managing the application from the command line
- Commands
- SCAN. Virus Scan
- UPDATE. Updating databases and application software modules
- ROLLBACK. Rolling back the last update
- TRACES. Traces
- START. Start the profile
- STOP. Stopping a profile
- STATUS. Profile status
- STATISTICS. Profile operation statistics
- RESTORE. Restoring files
- EXPORT. Exporting application settings
- IMPORT. Importing application settings
- ADDKEY. Applying a key file
- LICENSE. Licensing
- RENEW. Purchasing a license
- PBATESTRESET. Reset the disk check results before encrypting the disk
- EXIT. Exit the application
- EXITPOLICY. Disabling policy
- STARTPOLICY. Enabling policy
- DISABLE. Disabling protection
- SPYWARE. Spyware detection
- MDRLICENSE. MDR activation
- KSN. Global/Private KSN transition
- KESCLI commands
- Scan. Virus Scan
- GetScanState. Scan completion status
- GetLastScanTime. Determining the scan completion time
- GetThreats. Obtaining data on detected threats
- UpdateDefinitions. Updating databases and application software modules
- GetDefinitionState. Determining the update completion time
- EnableRTP. Enabling protection
- GetRealTimeProtectionState. File Threat Protection status
- Version. Identifying the application version
- Error codes
- Appendix. Application profiles
- Commands
- Managing the application through the REST API
- Sources of information about the application
- Contacting Technical Support
- Limitations and warnings
- Glossary
- Active key
- Additional key
- Administration group
- Anti-virus databases
- Archive
- Authentication Agent
- Certificate issuer
- Database of malicious web addresses
- Database of phishing web addresses
- Disinfection
- False alarm
- Infectable file
- Infected file
- License certificate
- Mask
- Network Agent
- Normalized form of the address of a web resource
- OLE object
- Portable File Manager
- Protection scope
- Scan scope
- Task
- Trusted Platform Module
- Appendices
- Appendix 1. Application settings
- File Threat Protection
- Web Threat Protection
- Mail Threat Protection
- Network Threat Protection
- Firewall
- BadUSB Attack Prevention
- AMSI Protection
- Exploit Prevention
- Behavior Detection
- Host Intrusion Prevention
- Remediation Engine
- Kaspersky Security Network
- Web Control
- Device Control
- Application Control
- Adaptive Anomaly Control
- Endpoint Sensor
- Full Disk Encryption
- File Level Encryption
- Encryption of removable drives
- Templates (data encryption)
- Exclusions
- Application settings
- Reports and storage
- Network settings
- Interface
- Manage Settings
- Task management
- Scanning the computer
- Background scan
- Scan from context menu
- Removable drives scan
- Integrity check
- Updating databases and application software modules
- Appendix 2. Application trust groups
- Appendix 3. File extensions for quick removable drives scan
- Appendix 4. File Types for the Mail Threat Protection attachment filter
- Appendix 5. Network settings for interaction with external services
- Appendix 6. Application events in the Windows Event Log
- Appendix 1. Application settings
- Information about third-party code
- Trademark notices
Limitations and warnings
Limitations and warnings
Kaspersky Endpoint Security has a number of limitations that are not critical to operation of the application.
- For details about support for the Microsoft Windows 10, Microsoft Windows Server 2016 and Microsoft Windows Server 2019 operating systems, please refer to the Technical Support Knowledge Base.
- After being installed to an infected computer, the application does not inform the user about the need to run a computer scan. You may experience problems activating the application. To resolve these problems, start a Critical Areas Scan.
- If non-ASCII characters (for example, Russian letters) are used in the setup.ini and setup.reg files, you are advised to edit the file using notepad.exe and to save the file in UTF-16LE encoding. Other encodings are not supported.
- The application does not support the use of non-ASCII characters when specifying the application installation path in the installation package settings.
- When application settings are imported from a CFG file, the value of the setting that defines participation in Kaspersky Security Network is not applied. After importing the settings, please read the text of the Kaspersky Security Network Statement and confirm your consent to participate in Kaspersky Security Network. You can read the text of the Statement in the application interface or in the ksn_*.txt file located in the folder containing the application distribution kit.
- When upgrading from Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 Service Pack 2 for Windows (build, the Host Intrusion Prevention component is turned on.
- When updating Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows Service Pack 2 (build, the files that were placed in Backup or Quarantine in the previous version of the application will be transferred to Backup in the new version of the application. These files are not transferred for versions earlier than Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows Service Pack 2 (build To save them, you must restore the files from Quarantine and Backup before upgrading the application. After the upgrade is complete, re-scan the restored files.
- If you want to remove and then re-install encryption (FLE or FDE) or the Device Control component, you must restart the system before reinstallation.
- When using the Microsoft Windows 10 operating system, you must restart the system after removing the File Level Encryption (FLE) component.
- When attempting to install any version of the AES Encryption Module on a computer that has Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows 11.6.0 but no encryption components installed, installation of the Encryption Module will end with an error message stating that a newer version of the application is installed. Starting with Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows Service Pack 2 (version, there is no separate installation file for the Encryption Module. Encryption libraries are included in the application distribution package. Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.6.0 is incompatible with AES encryption modules. The libraries required for encryption are installed automatically when the Full Disk Encryption (FDE) or File Level Encryption (FLE) component is selected.
- Installation of the application may end with an error stating An application whose name is missing or unreadable is installed on your computer. This means that incompatible applications or fragments of them remain on your computer. To remove artifacts of incompatible applications, send a request with a detailed description of the situation to Kaspersky Technical Support via Kaspersky CompanyAccount.
- Starting from 11.0.0 application version, you can install Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows MMC plugin on top of the previous plugin version. To return to a previous plugin version, delete the current plugin and install a previous version of the plugin.
- When upgrading Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.0.0 or 11.0.1 for Windows, the local task schedule settings for the Update, Critical Areas Scan, Custom Scan, and Integrity Check tasks are not saved.
- If you canceled removal of the application, start its recovery after the computer restarts.
- On computers running Windows 10 version 1903 and 1909, upgrades from Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows Service Pack 2 Maintenance Release 3 (build, Service Pack 2 Maintenance Release 4 (build, 11.0.0 and 11.0.1 with the File Level Encryption (FLE) component installed may end with an error. This is because file encryption is not supported for these versions of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows in Windows 10 version 1903 and 1909. Prior to installing this upgrade, you are advised to remove the file encryption component.
- If you are upgrading a previous version of the application to version 11.6.0, to install Kaspersky Endpoint Agent, restart the computer and sign in to the system using an account with local administrator rights. Otherwise, Kaspersky Endpoint Agent will not be installed during the upgrade procedure.
- If the application is unsuccessfully installed with the Kaspersky Endpoint Agent component selected in a server operating system and the Windows Installer Coordinator Error window appears, refer to the instructions on the Microsoft support website.
- If the application was installed locally in non-interactive mode, use the provided setup.ini file to replace the installed components.
- If you are upgrading Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows Service Pack 2 Maintenance Release 4 with the File Level Encryption (FLE) component installed on computers running Windows 10 version 1809, 1903 and 1909, FDE drivers will not be installed to the WinRE image.
- After Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows is installed in some configurations of Windows 7, Windows Defender continues to operate. You are advised to manually disable Windows Defender to prevent degraded system performance.
- After the application is upgraded from versions earlier than Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11 for Windows, the computer must be restarted.
- The ReFS file system is supported with limitations:
- After server anti-virus check is started, scan exclusions added with iChecker are reset when the server is rebooted.
- Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not detect eicar.com and susp-eicar.com files if meicar.exe file existed on the computer before Kaspersky Endpoint Security was installed.
- The Server Core and Cluster Mode configurations are not supported.
- File Level Encryption (FLE) and Kaspersky Disk Encryption (FDE) technologies are not supported on server platforms.
- Device Control is not supported on server platforms.
- Microsoft Windows Server 2008 was excluded from support. - Installing the application on a computer running the Microsoft Windows Server 2008 operating system is not supported.
- If you started several working sessions on the terminal server, Kaspersky Endpoint Security notifications may not work correctly. Example: user of session #1 runs a file reputation check in KSN. Kaspersky Endpoint Security will display a notification with the check results to the user of session #2.
- Full disk encryption (FDE) on Hyper-V virtual machines is not supported.
- Full disk encryption (FDE) on Citrix virtual platforms is not supported.
- Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session is supported with limitations:
- Kaspersky Endpoint Security considers Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session as a server operating system. Therefore, Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session is supported with server platform-specific limitations. For example, servers cannot use some Kaspersky Endpoint Security components. The application also uses a server license key instead of a workstation license key.
- Full disk encryption (FDE) is not supported.
- Managing BitLocker is not supported.
- Using Kaspersky Endpoint Security with removable drives is not supported. The Microsoft Azure infrastructure defines removable drives as network drives.
- Installation and use of file level encryption (FLE) on Citrix virtual platforms is not supported.
- To support compatibility of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows with Citrix PVS, perform installation with the Ensure compatibility with Citrix PVS option enabled. This option can be enabled in the Setup Wizard or by using the command line parameter
. In case of remote installation, the KUD file must be edited by adding the following parameter to it:/pCITRIXCOMPATIBILITY=1
. - Citrix XenDesktop. Before starting cloning, you must disable Self-Defense to clone virtual machines that use vDisk.
- When preparing a template machine for the Citrix XenDesktop master image with pre-installed Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows and Kaspersky Security Center Network Agent, add the following types of exclusions to the configuration file:
For details about Citrix XenDesktop, visit the Citrix Support website.
- In some cases, an attempt to safely disconnect a removable drive may be unsuccessful on a virtual machine that is deployed on a VMware ESXi hypervisor. Attempt to safely disconnect the device once again.
Compatibility with Kaspersky Security Center
- You can manage the Adaptive Anomaly Control component only in Kaspersky Security Center version 11 or later.
- The Kaspersky Security Center 11 threat report might not display information about the action taken on threats that were detected by the AMSI Protection.
- The operating status of the AMSI Protection and Adaptive Anomaly Control components is available only in Kaspersky Security Center version 11 or later. You can view the operating status in the Kaspersky Security Center Console within the computer properties in the Tasks section. Reports for these components are also available only in Kaspersky Security Center version 11 or later.
- If the Error receiving data system message is displayed, verify that the computer on which you are performing activation has network access, or configure the activation settings via Kaspersky Security Center Activation Proxy.
- The application cannot be activated by subscription via the Kaspersky Security Center if the license has expired or if a trial license is active on the computer. To replace a trial license or a soon-to-be expired license with a subscription license, use the license distribution task.
- In the application interface, the license expiration date is displayed in the local time of the computer.
- Installation of the application with an embedded key file on a computer that has unstable Internet access may result in the temporary display of events stating that the application is not activated or that the license does not permit component operation. This is because the application first installs and attempts to activate the embedded trial license, which requires Internet access for activation during the installation procedure.
- During the trial period, installation of any application upgrade or patch on a computer that has unstable Internet access may result in the temporary display of events stating that the application is not activated. This is because the application once again installs and attempts to activate the embedded trial license, which requires Internet access for activation when installing an upgrade.
- If the trial license was automatically activated during application installation and then the application was removed without saving the license information, the application will not be automatically activated with the trial license when re-installed. In this case, manually activate the application.
- If you are using Kaspersky Security Center version 11 and Kaspersky Endpoint Security version 11.6.0, component performance reports may work incorrectly. If you installed Kaspersky Endpoint Security components that are not included in your license, Network Agent may send component status errors to the Windows Event Log. To avoid errors, remove the components that are not included in your license.
- The application restores files only on devices that have the NTFS or FAT32 file system.
- The application can restore files with the following extensions: odt, ods, odp, odm, odc, odb, doc, docx, docm, wps, xls, xlsx, xlsm, xlsb, xlk, ppt, pptx, pptm, mdb, accdb, pst, dwg, dxf, dxg, wpd, rtf, wb2, pdf, mdf, dbf, psd, pdd, eps, ai, indd, cdr, jpg, jpe, dng, 3fr, arw, srf, sr2, bay, crw, cr2, dcr, kdc, erf, mef, mrw, nef, nrw, orf, raf, raw, rwl, rw2, r3d, ptx, pef, srw, x3f, der, cer, crt, pem, pfx, p12, p7b, p7c, 1cd.
- It is not possible to restore files residing on network drives or on rewritable CD/DVD discs.
- It is not possible to restore files that were encrypted with the Encryption File System (EFS). For more details on EFS operation, please visit the Microsoft website.
- The application does not monitor modifications to files performed by processes at the level of the operating system kernel.
- The application does not monitor modifications made to files over a network interface (for example, if a file is stored in a shared folder and a process is started remotely from another computer).
- Filtration of packets or connections by local address, physical interface, and packet time to live (TTL) is supported in the following cases:
- By local address for outbound packets or connections in application rules for TCP and UDP and packet rules.
- By local address for inbound packets or connections (except UDP) in block application rules and packet rules.
- By packet time to live (TTL) in block packet rules for inbound or outbound packets.
- By network interface for inbound and outbound packets or connections in packet rules.
- In application versions 11.0.0 and 11.0.1, defined MAC addresses are incorrectly applied. The MAC address settings for versions 11.0.0, 11.0.1 and 11.1.0 or later are not compatible. After upgrading the application or plug-in from these versions to version 11.1.0 or later, you must verify and reconfigure the defined MAC addresses in Firewall rules.
- When upgrading the application from versions 11.1.1 and 11.2.0 to version 11.6.0, the statuses of permissions for the following Firewall rules are not migrated:
- Requests to DNS server over TCP.
- Requests to DNS server over UDP.
- Any network activity.
- ICMP Destination Unreachable incoming responses.
- Incoming ICMP stream.
- If you configured a network adapter or packet time to live (TTL) for an allowing packet rule, the priority of this rule is lower than a blocking application rule. In other words, if network activity is blocked for an application (for example, the application is in the High Restricted trust group), you cannot allow network activity of the application by using a packet rule with these settings. In all other cases, the priority of a packet rule is higher than an application network rule.
- An error may occur in Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows 11.5.0–11.6.0 when importing a list of Firewall packet rules. This may result in the deletion of user-defined local or remote addresses from a rule. To fix the error, please contact Technical Support. Technical Support will provide you with a patched update for the plug-in. Or you can upgrade the application to the next version after its release.
- When importing a list of Firewall packet rules, Kaspersky Endpoint Security may change the names of rules. The application identifies rules that have the same set of main parameters, such as protocol, direction, remote and local ports, and packet time to live (TTL). If this set of main parameters is identical for multiple rules, the application assigns the same name to these rules or adds a parameter tag to the name. This means that Kaspersky Endpoint Security imports all packet rules, but the name of rules that have identical main parameters may be changed.
- When a network packet rule is triggered in Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.6.0 or earlier, the Application name column in the Firewall report will always display the Kaspersky Endpoint Security value. In addition, the Firewall will block the connection at packet level for all applications. This behavior has been modified for Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.7.0 or later. The Rule type column has been added to the Firewall report. When a network packet rule is triggered, the value in the Application name column remains empty.
- When working in Microsoft Windows 10 in application denylist mode, block rules may be incorrectly applied, which could cause blocking of applications that are not specified in rules.
- When progressive web apps (PWA) are blocked by the Application Control component, appManifest.xml is indicated as the blocked app in the report.
- Access to Printer devices that were added to the trusted list is blocked by device and bus blocking rules.
- For MTP devices, control of Read, Write, and Connect operations is supported if you are using the built-in Microsoft drivers of the operating system. If a user installs a custom driver for working with a device (for example, as part of iTunes or Android Debug Bridge), control of Read and Write operations may not work.
- When working with MTP devices, access rules are changed after reconnecting the device.
- If you are adding a device to the trusted list based on a model mask and use characters that are included in the ID but not in the model name, these devices are not added. On a workstation, these devices will be added to the trusted list based on an ID mask.
- The OGV and WEBM formats are not supported.
- The RTMP protocol is not supported.
- It is recommended to create exclusions automatically based on the event. When manually adding an exclusion, add the
character to the beginning of the path when specifying the target object. - An Adaptive Anomaly Control Rules report cannot be generated if the sample includes even one event whose name contains more than 260 characters.
- Adding exclusions from Adaptive Anomaly Control Triggering of Rules repository is not supported if the properties of an object or a process have a value consisting of more than 256 characters (for example, path to target object). You can add an exclusion manually in the Policy settings. You can also add an exclusion in the Report on triggered Adaptive Anomaly Control rules.
- After installing the application, you must restart the operating system for hard drive encryption to work properly.
- The Authentication Agent does not support hieroglyphics or the special characters
. - For optimal computer performance after encryption, it is required that the processor supports AES-NI instruction set (Intel Advanced Encryption Standard New Instructions). If the processor does not support AES-NI, computer performance might decrease.
- When there are processes that attempt to access encrypted devices before the application has granted access to such devices, the application shows a warning stating that such processes must be terminated. If the processes cannot be terminated, re-connect the encrypted devices.
- The unique IDs of hard drives are displayed in the device encryption statistics in inverted format.
- It is not recommended to format devices while they are being encrypted.
- When multiple removable drives are simultaneously connected to a computer, the encryption policy can be applied to only one removable drive. When the removable devices are reconnected, the encryption policy is applied correctly.
- Encryption may fail to start on a heavily fragmented hard drive. Defragment the hard drive.
- When hard drives are encrypted, hibernation is blocked from the time when the encryption task starts until the first restart of a computer running Microsoft Windows 7/8/8.1/10, and after installation of hard drive encryption until the first restart of Microsoft Windows 8/8.1/10 operating systems. When hard drives are decrypted, hibernation is blocked from the time when the boot drive is fully decrypted until the first restart of the operating system. When the Quick Start option is enabled in Microsoft Windows 8/8.1/10, blocking of hibernation prevents you from shutting down the operating system.
- Windows 7 computers don't allow to change password during recovery when the disk is encrypted with BitLocker technology. After the recovery key is entered and the operating system is loaded, Kaspersky Endpoint Security won't prompt the user to change the password or PIN code. Thus, it is impossible to set a new password or a PIN code. This issue stems from the peculiarities of the operating system. To continue, you need to re-encrypt the hard drive.
- It is not recommended to use the xbootmgr.exe tool with additional providers enabled. For example, Dispatcher, Network, or Drivers.
- Formatting an encrypted removable drive is not supported on a computer that has Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows installed.
- Formatting an encrypted removable drive with the FAT32 file system is not supported (the drive is displayed as encrypted). To format a drive, reformat it to the NTFS file system.
- For details on restoring an operating system from a backup copy to an encrypted GPT device, visit the Technical Support Knowledge Base.
- Multiple download agents cannot co-exist on one encrypted computer.
- It is impossible to access a removable drive that was previously encrypted on a different computer when all of the following conditions are simultaneously met:
- There is no connection to the Kaspersky Security Center server.
- The user is attempting authorization with a new token or password.
If a similar situation occurs, restart the computer. After the computer has been restarted, access to the encrypted removable drive will be granted.
- Discovery of USB devices by the Authentication Agent may not be supported when xHCI mode for USB is enabled in BIOS settings.
- Kaspersky Disk Encryption (FDE) for the SSD part of a device that is used for caching the most frequently used data is not supported for SSHD devices.
- Encryption of hard drives in 32-bit Microsoft Windows 8/8.1/10 operating systems running in UEFI mode is not supported.
- Restart the computer before encrypting a decrypted hard drive again.
- Hard drive encryption is not compatible with Kaspersky Anti-Virus for UEFI. It is not recommended to use hard drive encryption on computers that have Kaspersky Anti-Virus for UEFI installed.
- Creating Authentication Agent accounts based on Microsoft accounts is supported with the following limitations:
- Single Sign-On technology is not supported.
- Automatic creation of Authentication Agent accounts is not supported if the option to create accounts for users who log in to the system in the last N days is selected.
- If the name of an Authentication Agent account has the format
<domain>/<Windows account name>
, after changing the computer name you need to also change the names of accounts that were created for local users of this computer. For example, imagine that there is a local userIvanov
on theIvanov
computer, and an Authentication Agent account with the nameIvanov/Ivanov
has been created for this user. If the computer nameIvanov
has been changed toIvanov-PC
, you need to change the name of the Authentication Agent account for the userIvanov
. You can change the account name using the local account management task of the Authentication Agent. Before the name of the account has been changed, authentication in the preboot environment is possible using the old name (for example,Ivanov/Ivanov
). - If a user is allowed to access a computer that was encrypted using Kaspersky Disk Encryption technology only by using a token and this user needs to complete the access recovery procedure, make sure that this user is granted password-based access to this computer after access to the encrypted computer has been restored. The password that the user set when restoring access might not be saved. In this case, the user will have to complete the procedure for restoring access to the encrypted computer again the next time the computer is restarted.
- When decrypting a hard drive using the FDE Recovery Tool, the decryption process may end with an error if data on the source device is overwritten with the decrypted data. Part of the data on the hard drive will remain encrypted. It is recommended to choose the option to save decrypted data to a file in the device decryption settings when using the FDE Recovery Tool.
- If the Authentication Agent password has been changed, a message containing the text Your password has been changed successfully. Click OK appears and the user restarts the computer, the new password is not saved. The old password must be used for subsequent authentication in the preboot environment.
- Disk encryption is incompatible with Intel Rapid Start technology.
- Disk encryption is incompatible with ExpressCache technology.
- In some cases, when attempting to decrypt an encrypted drive using the FDE Recovery Tool, the tool mistakenly detects the device status as "unencrypted" after the "Request-Response" procedure is completed. The tool's log shows an event stating that the device was successfully decrypted. In this case, you must restart the data recovery procedure to decrypt the device.
- After the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows plug-in is updated in the Web Console, the client computer properties do not show the BitLocker recovery key until the Web Console service is restarted.
- To see the other limitations of full disk encryption support and a list of devices for which encryption of hard drives is supported with restrictions, please refer to the Technical Support Knowledge Base.
- File and folder encryption is not supported in operating systems of the Microsoft Windows Embedded family.
- Once you have installed the application, you must restart the operating system for file and folder encryption to work properly.
- If an encrypted file is stored on a computer that has available encryption functionality and you access the file from a computer where encryption is not available, direct access to this file will be provided. An encrypted file that is stored in a network folder on a computer that has available encryption functionality is copied in decrypted form to a computer that does not have available encryption functionality.
- You are advised to decrypt files that were encrypted with Encrypting File System before encrypting files with Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows.
- After a file is encrypted, its size increases by 4 kB.
- After a file is encrypted, the Archive attribute is set in the file properties.
- If an unpacked file from an encrypted archive has the same name as an already existing file on your computer, the latter will be overwritten by the new file that is unpacked from an encrypted archive. The user is not notified about the overwrite operation.
- The Portable File Manager interface does not display messages about errors that occur during its operation.
- Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows does not start the Portable File Manager on a computer that has the File Level Encryption component installed.
- The Portable File Manager cannot be used to gain access to a removable drive if the following conditions are simultaneously met:
- There is no connection to Kaspersky Security Center;
- Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows is installed on the computer;
- Data encryption (FDE or FLE) was not performed on the computer.
In this case, access is not possible even if you know the password for the Portable File Manager.
- When file encryption is used, the application is incompatible with the Sylpheed mail client.
- Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows does not support the rules of restriction of access to encrypted files for some applications. This is due to the fact that some file operations are performed by a third-party application. For example, file copying is performed by the file manager, not by the application itself. In this way, if access to encrypted files is denied to the Outlook mail client, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will allow the mail client to access the encrypted file, if the user has copied files to the email message via the clipboard or using the drag-and-drop function. The copy operation was performed by a file manager, for which the rules of restriction of access to encrypted files are not specified, i.e. the access is allowed.
- Changing the page file settings is not supported. The operating system uses the default values instead of the specified parameter values.
- Use safe removal when working with encrypted removable drives. We cannot guarantee data integrity if the removable drive is not safely removed.
- After files are encrypted, their non-encrypted originals are securely deleted.
- Synchronization of offline files using Client-Side Caching (CSC) is not supported. It is recommended to prohibit offline management of shared resources at the group policy level. Files that are in offline mode can be edited. After synchronization, changes made to an offline file may be lost. For details regarding support for Client-Side Caching (CSC) when using encryption, please refer to the Technical Support Knowledge Base.
- Creation of an encrypted archive in the root of the system hard drive is not supported.
- You may experience problems when accessing encrypted files over the network. You are advised to move the files to a different source or make sure that the computer being used as a file server is managed by the same Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server.
- Changing the keyboard layout may cause the password entry window for an encrypted self-extracting archive to hang. To solve this problem, close the password entry window, switch the keyboard layout in your operating system, and re-enter the password for the encrypted archive.
- When file encryption is used on systems that have multiple partitions on one disk, you are advised to use the option that automatically determines the size of the pagefile.sys file. After the computer restarts, the pagefile.sys file may move between disk partitions.
- After applying file encryption rules, including files in the My Documents folder, make sure that users for whom encryption has been applied can successfully access encrypted files. To do so, have each user sign in to the system when a connection to Kaspersky Security Center is available. If a user attempts to access encrypted files without a connection to Kaspersky Security Center, the system may hang.
- If system files are somehow included in the scope of file level encryption, events regarding errors when encrypting these files may appear in reports. The files specified in these events are not actually encrypted.
- Pico processes are not supported.
- Case-sensitive paths are not supported. When encryption rules or decryption rules are applied, the paths in product events are displayed in lowercase.
- It is not recommended to encrypt files that are used by the system on startup. If these files are encrypted, an attempt to access encrypted files without a connection to Kaspersky Security Center may cause the system to hang or result in prompts for access to unencrypted files.
- When removable drives are encrypted with portable mode support, password age control cannot be disabled.
- If users jointly work with a file over the network under FLE rules via applications that use the file-to-memory mapping method (such as WordPad or FAR) and applications designed for working with large files (such as Notepad ++ ), the file in unencrypted form may be blocked indefinitely without the capability to access it from the computer on which it resides.
- File encryption in OneDrive sync folders is not supported. Adding folders with already encrypted files to the OneDrive sync list may result in loss of data in the encrypted files.
- When the file level encryption component is installed, management of users and groups does not work in WSL mode (Windows Subsystem for Linux).
- When the file level encryption component is installed, POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface) for renaming and deleting files is not supported.
- After updating Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows version 11.0.1 or earlier, to access encrypted files after restarting the computer, make sure that the Network Agent is running. Network Agent has a delayed startup, so you cannot access the encrypted files immediately after the operating system loads. There is no need to wait for the Network Agent to start after the next computer startup.
- In server operating systems, no warning is displayed regarding the need for advanced disinfection.
- Web addresses that are added to the trusted list may be incorrectly processed.
- Kaspersky Endpoint Security monitors HTTP traffic that complies with the RFC 2616, RFC 7540, RFC 7541, RFC 7301 standards. If Kaspersky Endpoint Security detects another data exchange format in HTTP traffic, the application blocks this connection to prevent downloading malicious files from the Internet.
- Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not support RFC9218 standard for the HTTP/2 protocol. If Kaspersky Endpoint Security detects this data exchange format in traffic, the application blocks this connection and the browser displays the error ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR. If you need to access this web resource, you can exclude the web resource from encrypted connection scans or contact Technical Support for a patch.
- System Watcher. Complete information about processes is not displayed.
- When Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows is started for the first time, a digitally signed application may be temporarily placed into the wrong group. The digitally signed application will later be put into the correct group.
- When scanning mail with the Mail Threat Protection extension for Microsoft Outlook, you are advised to use Cached Exchange Mode (the Use Cached Exchange Mode option).
- Virus Scan task does not support 64-bit Microsoft Outlook version. This means that Kaspersky Endpoint Security does not check Outlook x64 files (PST and OST files) even if mail is included in scan scope.
- In Kaspersky Security Center 10, when switching from using the global Kaspersky Security Network to using a private Kaspersky Security Network, or vice versa, the option to participate in Kaspersky Security Network is disabled in the policy of the specific product. After switching, carefully read the text of the Kaspersky Security Network Statement and confirm your consent to participate in KSN. You can read the text of the Statement in the application interface or when editing the product policy.
- During a rescan of a malicious object that was blocked by third-party software, the user is not notified when the threat is detected again. The threat re-detection event is displayed in the product report and in the Kaspersky Security Center 10 report.
- The Endpoint Sensor component cannot be installed in Microsoft Windows Server 2008.
- The Kaspersky Security Center 10 report on device encryption will not include information about devices that were encrypted using Microsoft BitLocker on server platforms or on workstations on which the Device Control component is not installed.
- When using a policy hierarchy, the settings of the Encryption of Removable Drives section in a child policy are accessible for editing if the parent policy prohibits modification of those settings.
- You must enable Audit Logon in the operating system settings to ensure proper functioning of exclusions for the protection of shared folders against external encryption.
- If shared folder protection is enabled, Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows monitors attempts to encrypt shared folders for each remote access session that was started before the startup of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows, including if the computer from which the remote access session was started has been added to exclusions. If you do not want Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows to monitor attempts to encrypt shared folders for remote access sessions that were started from a computer that was added to exclusions and that were started before the startup of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows, terminate and re-establish the remote access session or restart the computer on which Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows is installed.
- If the update task is run with the permissions of a specific user account, product patches will not be downloaded when updating from a source that requires authorization.
- The application may fail to start due to insufficient system performance. To resolve this problem, use the Ready Boot option or increase the operating system timeout for starting services.
- The application cannot work in Safe Mode.
- To ensure that Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows versions 11.5.0 and 11.6.0 can work correctly with Cisco AnyConnect software, you must install Compliance Module version or later. Learn more about compatibility with Cisco Identity Services Engine in Cisco documentation.
- We cannot guarantee that Audio Control will work until after the first restart after installing the application.
- When rotated trace files are enabled, no traces are created for the AMSI component and the Outlook plug-in.
- Performance traces cannot be manually collected in Windows Server 2008.
- Performance traces for the "Restart" trace type are not supported.
- The KSN availability check task is no longer supported.
- Turning off the "Disable external management of the system services" option will not allow you to stop the service of the application that was installed with the
parameter (by default, the parameter value is set to1
starting with the Windows 10RS2 operating system version). TheAMPPL
parameter with a value of1
enables the use of Protection Processes technology for the product service. - To run a custom scan of a folder, the user that starts the custom scan must have the permissions to read the attributes of this folder. Otherwise the custom folder scan will be impossible and will end with an error.
- When a scan rule defined in a policy includes a path without the
character at the end, for example,С:\folder1\folder2
, the scan will be run for the path С:\folder1\. - When upgrading the application from version 11.1.0 to 11.6.0, the AMSI Protection settings will be reset to their default values.
- If you are using software restriction policies (SRP), the computer may fail to load (black screen). You are advised to change the SRP settings as follows: set the All software files except libraries (such as DLL) value for the Apply software restriction policies to the following objects parameter, and add rules with the Unrestricted security level for paths to files of the application (
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Kaspersky Lab
andC:\Program Files\Kaspersky Lab
). For details on using SRP, refer to Microsoft documentation. - Management of Outlook plug-in settings via Rest API is not supported.
- Task run settings for a specific user cannot be transferred between devices via a configuration file. After settings are applied from a configuration file, manually specify the user name and password.
- After installing an update, the integrity check task does not work until the system is restarted to apply the update.
- When the rotated trace level is changed through the remote diagnostics utility, Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows incorrectly displays a blank value for the trace level. However, trace files are written according to the correct trace level. When the rotated trace level is changed through the local interface of the application, the trace level is correctly modified but the remote diagnostics utility incorrectly displays the trace level that was last defined by the utility. This may cause the administrator to not have up-to-date information about the current trace level, and relevant information may be absent from traces if a user manually changes the trace level in the local interface of the application.
- In the local interface, Password protection settings don't allow changing the name of the administrator account (KLAdmin by default). To change the name of the administrator account, you need to disable Password protection, then enable Password protection and specify a new name of the administrator account.
- Kaspersky Endpoint Security monitors HTTP traffic that complies with the RFC 2616, RFC 7540, RFC 7541, RFC 7301 standards. If Kaspersky Endpoint Security detects another data exchange format in HTTP traffic, the application blocks this connection to prevent downloading malicious files from the Internet.
- When scanning an encrypted connection, Kaspersky Endpoint Security forces HTTP/1.
- The Kaspersky Endpoint Security application when installed on a Windows Server 2019 server is incompatible with Docker. Deploying Docker containers on a computer with Kaspersky Endpoint Security causes a crash (BSOD).
Article ID: 201943, Last review: Apr 11, 2023