Kaspersky Password Manager for Android

Install the app

  1. Open the Play Store app on your device.
  2. Find Kaspersky Password Manager by entering Kaspersky Password Manager in the app's search field, and tapping ENTER.
  3. Select Kaspersky Password Manager in the search results.

    The app page opens.

  4. On the app page, tap Install.
  5. View the list of permissions Kaspersky Password Manager needs.
    • If you agree to grant the app required permissions, tap Install.

      The installation of the app begins.

    • If you refuse to grant the app required permissions, tap Back.

      This cancels the installation of the app.

For more information on using Google Play, go to Google Play Help Center.

If a device running the Android operating system has modified firmware, there is an increased risk that the device will be hacked and your data will be stolen or corrupted.