Kaspersky Password Manager for Android

About website accounts

A website account is a combination of a login and password required to authenticate a user on a website.

For websites, Kaspersky Password Manager saves the following information to the entry:

  • Website name. Use a meaningful website name to quickly find the website that you want to edit or log in to.
  • Website address. Kaspersky Password Manager uses this field to recognize a website's sign-in page and offer accounts you can use to sign in.
  • Accounts. You can save multiple accounts for a website. For example, you might have personal and business email addresses from the same email provider.

You can open websites from Kaspersky Password Manager. The app opens the website in its safe browser, automatically enters your login and password, and signs you in to the website. You can also open websites in Chrome and fill out the login and password fields using the Kaspersky Password Manager extension.

On devices running Android 5.0 or later, Kaspersky Password Manager can automatically fill in logins and passwords only in Chrome. To allow this you must turn on the accessibility features in Chrome. If your device is running Android 6.0 or later, enable the extension to allow windows to be displayed over other apps. On certain devices (for example, Xiaomi), you might be prompted to do this on Android 5.0 or later.

You can add, edit, or remove website accounts and copy them to the clipboard. You can organize your entries by selecting them and moving them into a folder.