Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway Help

Performing Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway upgrade via the web interface

To upgrade Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway via the web interface:

  1. In the main window of the application web interface, open the management console tree and select the Settings section and System Upgrade subsection.
  2. Click the Start upgrade link to open the System Upgrade window.

Click the Browse button to the right of the Uploading Upgrade Package field.

The file selection window opens in the browser that you use.

  1. Choose the upgrade file that you want to upload and click the Open button in your browser.

    The file selection window closes.

  2. Click the Next button.
  3. Follow the steps of the Upgrade Wizard.

    The steps of the Upgrade Wizard may vary depending on the type of upgrade.

More detailed instructions on installing each upgrade are provided in the instruction manual that comes with this upgrade.

See also

Upgrading Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway via the web interface

About Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway upgrade via the web interface

Preparing to upgrade Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway via the web interface