Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway Help

About Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway upgrade via the web interface

Kaspersky Lab may release upgrade packages for Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway. For example, Kaspersky Lab can release critical fixes for vulnerabilities or bugs, scheduled upgrades that add new or improve existing features of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway, and packages with additional localizations for Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway.

Following the release of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway upgrades, you can install them via the web interface of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway.

Prior to installing upgrades via the web interface of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway, you have to download the upgrade package or the localization package in TGZ format along with instructions on how to install this upgrade from the eStore website to your computer.

Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway services may be suspended for the duration of upgrade installation. The upgrade process may take several minutes. After starting an upgrade of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway, do not interrupt the upgrade process or turn off the virtual machine. You may need to restart Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway after upgrading.

See also

Upgrading Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway via the web interface

Preparing to upgrade Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway via the web interface

Performing Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway upgrade via the web interface