Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway Help

About black and white lists of addresses

Black and white lists of addresses can be used to fine-tune the mail system's response to messages that are not spam officially (such as news feeds). Black lists of addresses can also be used to configure the application to block messages containing threats and spam before Kaspersky Security databases have been updated.

There are two types of black and white lists of addresses:

  • Custom. They contain addresses of message senders for the given recipient. A custom white list of addresses allows messages to pass through without spam scanning. The messages are still scanned for phishing, viruses, and other threats, and content filtering is also performed.
  • Global. Contain the addresses of message senders and recipients. You can configure such lits in the preset WhiteList and BlackList message processing rules. You can also create rules and specify the addresses of senders and recipients whose messages should be rejected without scanning or delivered without scanning. A global white list of addresses allows messages to pass through without scanning for spam, viruses, and phishing threats.

Messages whose sender and recipients have their addresses on a global black or white list of addresses are processed as follows:

  • If the addresses of the sender and recipients of a message are on a global black list of addresses, the application rejects the message. The message does not reach the mail server of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway.
  • If the addresses of the sender and recipients of a message are on a global white list of addresses, the application refers the message for further scanning, bypassing scanning by the Anti-Spam, Anti-Virus, and Anti-Phishing components.
  • If the addresses of the sender and recipients of a message are both on the global white list and the global black list of addresses, the application processes the message according to a rule with a higher priority.

A message is processed according to the rule of a custom white list or personal black list of addresses if the rules of the global black list and global white list of addresses do not apply to it.

A message whose sender has his address on a custom black or white list of addresses is processed as follows:

  • If the message sender's address is on a custom black list of addresses and one of the addresses of the message recipients belongs to the owner of the custom black list of addresses, the message is not delivered to the recipient who owns the custom black list. Depending on the action configured for messages from senders on a custom black list, the message is either deleted or quarantined.
  • If the sender's address is on a custom white list of addresses, the message is delivered to the recipient depending on the results of scanning for viruses, phishing threats, and content filtering.
  • If the sender's address is both on a custom white list and black list of addresses, the message is processed according to the rules of the personal white list of addresses.

See also

Black and white lists of addresses

Configuring the custom black list of addresses

Viewing custom black and white lists of addresses

Adding addresses to custom black and white lists of addresses

Removing addresses from custom black and white lists of addresses