Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway Help

About Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway

Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway lets you deploy a virtual mail gateway and integrate it into the existing corporate mail infrastructure. The following is preinstalled on the virtual mail gateway: Operating system, mail server, and Kaspersky Lab anti-virus application.

Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway protects incoming and outgoing email against malware and spam, performs content filtering of messages, and, when integrated with Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform (hereinafter also referred to as "KATA"), protects email against intrusions into the corporate IT infrastructure.

Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway:

  • Scans incoming and outgoing email messages for , and malware, and, when integrated with KATA, scans messages for signs of and intrusions into the corporate IT infrastructure.

    To promptly respond to new threats that have not yet been added to the anti-virus databases, protection components of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway can utilize information from


  • Integrates with (hereinafter also referred to as KPSN) for those organizations that cannot participate in Kaspersky Security Network (hereinafter also referred to as KSN).

    After integration with KPSN, Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway can use the KSN reputation databases without sending data outside of the organization.

    If you want to purchase Kaspersky Private Security Network, you can contact Kaspersky Lab's partner specialists in your region.

  • Integrates with for detection of threats such as , targeted attacks, and complex targeted attacks known as (hereinafter also referred to as "APT").

    After integration with KATA, Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway can send copies of messages to KATA for scanning. Based on the results of a KATA scan, Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway can block individual messages.

    To purchase the Kaspersky Anti-Virus Targeted Attack Platform program, you can contact Kaspersky Lab's sales team.

  • Detects and blocks spam, probable spam and mass mailings (including marketing mail-outs), deletes messages, and places copies of messages in Backup.
  • Detects, blocks, and disinfects infected email messages and infected attachments, deletes messages and attachments, and places copies of messages in Backup.
  • Detects and blocks messages whose attachments contain macros (for example, Microsoft Office files with macros), deletes messages or attachments, and places copies of messages in Backup.
  • Detects and blocks messages containing encrypted objects, deletes messages or attachments, and places copies of messages in Backup.
  • Detects and blocks messages containing archives, recognizes the types of files within archives (for example, files in the ZIP, RAR, TGZ, 7z, and QZIP formats), and blocks individual files within archives.
  • Detects and blocks phishing or links to malicious websites, deletes messages, and places copies of messages in Backup.
  • Performs content filtering of messages based on the name, type and size of attachments (Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway can determine the actual format and type of attachment regardless of its extension), deletes messages containing attachments in a specific format or with a specific name, or messages larger than the permissible size, and places copies of messages in Backup.
  • Detects and blocks messages containing signs of targeted attacks and intrusions into the corporate IT infrastructure (when integrated with KATA), deletes messages, and places copies of messages in Backup.
  • Saves backup copies of messages in Backup based on the results of their processing by the , and modules, and based on the results of and KATA scans of messages.
  • Saves messages from Backup to file and forwards messages to recipients.
  • Places messages into Anti-Spam Quarantine and KATA Quarantine, and manages the Anti-Spam Quarantine and KATA Quarantine in the web interface.
  • Processes mail in accordance with the rules defined for groups of senders and recipients.
  • Lets you use email filtering rules to specify users and user groups from Microsoft Active Directory and generic LDAP to enable message routing for specific email accounts and user groups.
  • Notifies the sender, recipients, and administrator about the detection of messages containing objects that are infected, password-protected, or cannot be scanned.
  • Sends notifications to users regarding the results from their messages being scanned by program modules. Notifications may contain a list of the latest messages in Backup. You can configure the schedule for sending notifications.
  • Updates program databases from Kaspersky Lab update servers or custom resources (HTTP and FTP servers) according to schedule or on demand.
  • Receives application operation statistics via the SNMP protocol, and enables or disables forwarding of SNMP traps.
  • Lets you configure the settings and manage the application via a web interface.
  • Sends and receives messages via a secure TLS/SSL link.
  • Lets you verify the authenticity of senders using , , and technologies.
  • Lets you sign outgoing email messages with DKIM signatures.
  • Lets you add email disclaimers to outgoing and incoming messages.
  • Adds dangerous attachment warnings to incoming messages.
  • Retrieves user information from various domains and grants users access to a personal Backup.
  • Lets you add, edit or delete information about domains (including local domains) and email addresses, configure Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway settings for these domains and email addresses and configure email routing.
  • Lets you configure TLS security modes for situations when Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway receives messages from another server (acts in the Server role) or sends messages to another server (acts in the Client role), as well as configure TLS settings for individual domains.
  • Lets you monitor the status of email traffic and usage of system resources and view lists of the latest detected threats in the web interface of the application.
  • Lets you monitor the performance of the program via Kaspersky Security Center 10 SP2.
  • Lets you view the application event Log and download it to the hard drive.
  • Lets you upgrade the system via the web interface of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway.
  • Lets you quickly configure the MTA using the Quick MTA Setup Wizard.
  • Lets you add, change and delete TLS and DKIM encryption keys.
  • Lets you generate and view reports on the email message processing rules.
  • Lets you view the audit log in the program web interface.
  • Lets you generate an archive containing information about Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway operation for the purpose of sending it to Kaspersky Lab Technical Support.

Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway is distributed in the format of OVA virtual machine templates (Open Virtual Appliance) or in a ZIP archive containing the virtual machine image intended for deployment on a Microsoft Hyper-V hypervisor.

Deployment of the image creates a virtual machine with a preinstalled CentOS 6.8 operating system, a mail server, and Kaspersky Security for Linux Mail Server application (hereinafter also referred to as "Kaspersky Security"). After deploying the virtual machine, you can configure it using the Initial Configuration Wizard.

See also

Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway

Distribution kit

Modes of operation of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway

Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway traffic limit