Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway Help

Getting started with the application web interface

After installation and initial configuration of the application, you can begin working with the web interface of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway.

To begin working with the web interface of the application:

  1. Enter the following address into the address line of the browser:

    https://<IP-address-of-deployed-appliance>/ksmg, using the IP address received during application installation.

    A web interface login page opens, prompting you to enter the user name and password of the web address administrator.

  2. In the User name field, type Administrator.
  3. In the Password field, enter the password that was set during application installation.
  4. Click the Log in button.

The main page of the Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway web interface opens.

See also

Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway

Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway interface

Application licensing

Mail server protection status

Integrating Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway into the corporate mail infrastructure

Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway Monitoring

Using message processing rules

Domains and configuration of email routing

DKIM signature for outgoing messages

Using the TLS protocol in the operation of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway


Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway message queue

Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway operation reports

General settings of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway

Configuring MTA settings

Upgrading Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway via the web interface

Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway database update

Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway Protection

Participation in Kaspersky Security Network and using of Kaspersky Private Security Network

Message authentication

Anti-Virus protection

Anti-Spam protection

Anti-Spam Quarantine

Anti-Phishing protection

Content filtering of messages

KATA protection and integration of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway with Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform

Black and white lists of addresses

Connecting to an LDAP server

Using the application via the SNMP protocol

Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway email notifications

Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway disclaimers and warnings

Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway event log

System information for Technical Support

Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway audit log

Configuring the date and time in Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway

Contacting the Technical Support Service

AO Kaspersky Lab

Information about third-party code

Trademark notices