- Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway
- Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway interface
- Application licensing
- About the End User License Agreement
- About the license
- About the license certificate
- About the key
- About the activation code
- About the key file
- About the subscription
- About data provision
- Viewing information about the license and added keys
- Updating of license and added keys information
- Adding a key file
- Adding an activation code
- Removing a key
- Modes of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway operation under license
- Notifications that the license expires soon
- Purchasing a license
- Mail server protection status
- Getting started with the application web interface
- Integrating Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway into the corporate mail infrastructure
- Direct integration using a Quick Setup Wizard
- Integration through an edge gateway (SMTP verification of recipient email addresses is enabled) with the help of a wizard
- Step 1. Adding local domains (relay_domains)
- Step 2. Configuring email routing (transport_map)
- Step 3. Entering address of your Edge Gateway (relayhost)
- Step 4. Adding trusted networks and network hosts (mynetworks)
- Step 5. Completing the integration of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway through an edge gateway (SMTP verification of recipient email addresses is enabled)
- Integration through an edge gateway (SMTP verification of recipient email addresses is disabled) with the help of a wizard
- Step 1. Configuring email routing (transport_map)
- Step 2. Entering address of your Edge Gateway (relayhost)
- Step 3. Adding trusted networks and network hosts (mynetworks)
- Step 4. Completing the integration of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway through an edge gateway (SMTP verification of recipient email addresses is disabled)
- Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway Monitoring
- Using message processing rules
- Domains and configuration of email routing
- Adding a record to the transport map and configuring email routing (transport_map)
- Adding a local domain (relay_domain)
- Deleting a record from the transport map
- Modifying email routing for a domain (transport_map)
- About using the TLS protocol in the operation of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway
- Configuring TLS security for incoming email messages
- Configuring TLS security for outgoing email messages
- About the DKIM signature for outgoing messages
- Enabling and disabling the DKIM signature for outgoing messages
- Preparing to add the DKIM signature to outgoing messages
- Adding the DKIM signature to messages from addresses from a specific domain
- DKIM signature for outgoing messages
- Using the TLS protocol in the operation of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway
- Backup
- Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway message queue
- Enabling and disabling the transmission and reception of messages
- Viewing information about the message queue, KATA Quarantine, and Anti-Spam Quarantine
- Sorting messages in queue
- Filtering and searching messages by queue name
- Filtering and searching messages by message ID in queue
- Filtering and searching messages by message sender's address
- Filtering and searching messages by message recipient's address
- Filtering and searching messages by time of message arrival in queue
- Forced delivery and removal of messages from the queue
- Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway operation reports
- Content of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway operation reports
- Viewing Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway operation reports
- Deleting Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway operation reports
- Enabling and disabling daily reports
- Configuring the daily report
- Enabling and disabling weekly reports
- Configuring the weekly report
- Enabling and disabling monthly reports
- Configuring the monthly report
- Generating a custom report
- General settings of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway
- Configuring the proxy server connection settings
- Configuring email addresses of the administrator
- Configuring HelpDesk account settings
- Changing the Administrator account password
- Configuring the settings for the event log and audit log
- Configuring application performance settings
- Configuring the appearance of scanned messages
- Configuring the template for messages when removing an attachment
- Exporting application settings
- Importing application settings
- Restarting the application
- Configuring integration with Kaspersky Security Center
- Configuring MTA settings
- Upgrading Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway via the web interface
- Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway database update
- Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway Protection
- Participation in Kaspersky Security Network and using of Kaspersky Private Security Network
- Message authentication
- Connecting to a DNS to perform message authentication
- Enabling and disabling SPF message authentication
- Enabling and disabling DKIM message authentication
- Enabling and disabling DMARC message authentication
- Enabling and disabling message authentication for a rule
- Configuring detection of TempError and PermError during message authentication
- Configuring additional DMARC message authentication settings for a rule
- Configuring additional SPF message authentication settings for a rule
- Configuring additional DKIM message authentication settings for a rule
- Configuring tags added to message subjects after SPF message authentication
- Configuring tags added to message subjects after DKIM message authentication
- Configuring tags added to message subjects after DMARC message authentication
- Configuring actions on messages during DMARC, SPF and DKIM message authentication
- Preparing to configure SPF and DMARC message authentication for outgoing messages
- Anti-Virus protection
- About computer protection against certain legitimate applications
- About virus scan status
- Enabling and disabling Anti-Virus protection of messages
- Enabling and disabling Anti-Virus scanning for a rule
- Configuring Anti-Virus engine settings
- Setting default values for Anti-Virus engine settings
- Configuring actions on messages during Anti-Virus scanning
- Configuring tags added to message subjects after Anti-Virus scanning
- Configuring Anti-Virus scan restrictions and exclusions
- Anti-Spam protection
- About Anti-Spam message scan status labels
- Enabling and disabling Anti-Spam protection of messages
- Enabling and disabling Anti-Spam scanning of messages for a rule
- Configuring Anti-Spam engine settings
- Setting default values for Anti-Spam engine settings
- Configuring the custom DNSBL list for the Anti-Spam engine
- Configuring the custom SURBL list for the Anti-Spam engine
- Configuring Anti-Spam scan settings for a rule
- Configuring Anti-Spam scan actions on messages
- Configuring tags added to message subjects after spam scanning
- Anti-Spam Quarantine
- Anti-Phishing protection
- About Anti-Phishing message scan status labels
- Enabling and disabling Anti-Phishing protection of messages
- Enabling and disabling Anti-Phishing scanning of messages for a rule
- Configuring Anti-Phishing engine settings
- Setting default values for Anti-Phishing engine settings
- Configuring Anti-Phishing scan actions on messages
- Configuring tags added to message subjects after Anti-Phishing scanning
- Content filtering of messages
- About message content filtering status labels
- Enabling and disabling content filtering of messages
- Setting the maximum archive nesting level for content filtering
- Setting default values for Content Filtering settings
- Enabling and disabling content filtering of messages for a rule
- Configuring settings of message content filtering for a rule
- Configuring actions to take on messages during content filtering
- Configuring tags added to message subjects based on content filtering results
- KATA protection and integration of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway with Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform
- Entering integration settings for Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway
- Confirming integration for Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform
- Checking the connection between Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway and Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform
- Configuring the forwarding of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway messages to Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform for scanning
- Enabling and disabling KATA protection
- Configuring KATA protection settings
- Setting default values for KATA protection settings
- Enabling and disabling KATA protection for a rule
- Configuring actions on messages based on KATA scan results
- Configuring tags added to message subjects based on KATA scan results
- Black and white lists of addresses
- Connecting to an LDAP server
- About the connection to an LDAP server
- Connecting to and disconnecting from an LDAP server
- Adding a connection to an LDAP server
- Deleting a connection to an LDAP server
- Enabling and disabling a connection to an LDAP server
- Configuring the connection to an LDAP server
- Configuring the LDAP server connection filters
- Using the application via the SNMP protocol
- Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway email notifications
- Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway disclaimers and warnings
- About email disclaimers and insecure message warnings
- Creating a disclaimer or warning template
- Editing a disclaimer or warning template
- Deleting a disclaimer or warning template
- Enabling and disabling message disclaimers for a rule
- Adding a message scanning event disclaimer for a rule
- Adding an insecure message warning for a rule
- Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway event log
- System information for Technical Support
- Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway audit log
- Viewing the audit log and events in the audit log
- Sorting events in the audit log
- Filtering and searching events by date and time
- Filtering and searching events by event type
- Filtering and searching events by subject identifier
- Filtering and searching events by event result
- Filtering and searching events by event description
- Configuring the date and time in Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway
- Contacting the Technical Support Service
- Glossary
- Advanced persistent threat (APT)
- Anti-Phishing
- Anti-Spam
- Anti-Virus
- Backup
- Content filtering
- Directory service
- DKIM authentication of mail senders
- DMARC authentication of mail senders
- Email notification
- Heuristic analysis
- Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform
- Kaspersky Private Security Network
- Kaspersky Security Network (KSN)
- Key file
- Malicious links
- Phishing
- Reputation filtering
- SNMP agent
- SNMP trap
- Spam
- SPF authentication of mail senders
- Targeted attack
- Virtual machine
- Zero-day attack
- Zero-day vulnerability
- AO Kaspersky Lab
- Information about third-party code
- Trademark notices
Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway email notifications > Configuring delivery of personal Backup notifications
Configuring delivery of personal Backup notifications
Configuring delivery of personal Backup notifications
To configure delivery of personal Backup notifications:
- In the main window of the application web interface, open the management console tree and select the Settings section and Notifications subsection.
- Select the Personal Backup notification section.
- Click the Message subject, Message, Schedule or Do not send to emails link to open the Notification settings window.
- In the Subject field, enter the subject of the notification about personal Backup. For example, you can enter the subject "Weekly Backup".
- In the Message field, enter the text of the notification about personal Backup. For example, you can use the default text for the personal Backup notification.
- In the Send notification on fields, specify the day of the week and the time to send Personal Backup notifications.
- If you want to exclude specific addresses from receiving personal Backup notifications, perform the following actions for each address that you want to exclude:
- In the Don't send to emails field, enter the email address.
The email addresses are entered one at a time. Repeat the process of adding addresses to the list for all email addresses that you are adding.
You can use the symbols "*" and "?" to create an address mask, and regular expressions beginning with the prefix "reg:".
Regular expressions are not case-sensitive.
- Click the Add button on the right of the entry field.
- In the Don't send to emails field, enter the email address.
- Click the Save button.
Article ID: 144328, Last review: Apr 13, 2023