Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway Help

Configuring delivery of personal Backup notifications

To configure delivery of personal Backup notifications:

  1. In the main window of the application web interface, open the management console tree and select the Settings section and Notifications subsection.
  2. Select the Personal Backup notification section.
  3. Click the Message subject, Message, Schedule or Do not send to emails link to open the Notification settings window.
  4. In the Subject field, enter the subject of the notification about personal Backup. For example, you can enter the subject "Weekly Backup".
  5. In the Message field, enter the text of the notification about personal Backup. For example, you can use the default text for the personal Backup notification.
  6. In the Send notification on fields, specify the day of the week and the time to send Personal Backup notifications.
  7. If you want to exclude specific addresses from receiving personal Backup notifications, perform the following actions for each address that you want to exclude:
    1. In the Don't send to emails field, enter the email address.

      The email addresses are entered one at a time. Repeat the process of adding addresses to the list for all email addresses that you are adding.

      You can use the symbols "*" and "?" to create an address mask, and regular expressions beginning with the prefix "reg:".

      Regular expressions are not case-sensitive.

    2. Click the Add button on the right of the entry field.
  8. Click the Save button.

See also

Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway email notifications

About email notifications

Editing notification templates

Configuring message scanning event notifications for a rule

Enabling and disabling delivery of application event notifications