Kaspersky Endpoint Security 12.7 for Windows

STOP. Stopping the profile

Stopping profile execution (for example, stopping a Removable Drives Scan or disabling a protection component).

To execute this command, Password protection must be enabled. The user must have the Disable protection components and Disable control components permissions.

To run the command, go to the folder where the Kaspersky Endpoint Security executable file is located. You can also add the executable file path to the %PATH% system variable and run the command without navigating to the application folder.

Command syntax

avp.com STOP <profile> /login=<user name> /password=<password>




Profile name. A Profile is a Kaspersky Endpoint Security component, task or feature. You can view the list of available profiles by running the HELP STOP command.



/login=<user name> /password=<password>

User account credentials with the required Password protection permissions.