Kaspersky Endpoint Security 12.7 for Windows
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- Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows Help
- Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows
- Installing and removing the application
- Deployment through Kaspersky Security Center
- Installing the application locally using the Wizard
- Remotely installing the application using System Center Configuration Manager
- Description of setup.ini file installation settings
- Preliminary configuration of the virtual machine
- Change application components
- Upgrading from a previous version of the application
- Removing the application
- Application licensing
- About the End User License Agreement
- About the license
- About the license certificate
- About subscription
- About license key
- About activation code
- About the key file
- Comparison of application functionality depending on license type for workstations
- Comparison of application functionality depending on license type for servers
- Activating the application
- Viewing license information
- Purchasing a license
- Renewing subscription
- Data provision
- Getting started
- About the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows Management Plug-in
- Special considerations when working with different versions of management plug-ins
- Special considerations when using encrypted protocols for interacting with external services
- Application interface
- Getting started
- Managing policies
- Task management
- Configuring local application settings
- Starting and stopping Kaspersky Endpoint Security
- Pausing and resuming computer protection and control
- Creating and using a configuration file
- Restoring the default application settings
- Malware Scan
- Updating databases and application software modules
- Working with active threats
- Computer protection
- File Threat Protection
- Enabling and disabling File Threat Protection
- Automatic pausing of File Threat Protection
- Changing the action taken on infected files by the File Threat Protection component
- Forming the protection scope of the File Threat Protection component
- Using scan methods
- Using scan technologies in the operation of the File Threat Protection component
- Optimizing file scanning
- Scanning compound files
- Changing the scan mode
- Web Threat Protection
- Mail Threat Protection
- Enabling and disabling Mail Threat Protection
- Changing the action to take on infected email messages
- Forming the protection scope of the Mail Threat Protection component
- Scanning compound files attached to email messages
- Email messages attachment filtering
- Exporting and importing extensions for attachment filtering
- Scanning emails in Microsoft Office Outlook
- Network Threat Protection
- Firewall
- BadUSB Attack Prevention
- AMSI Protection
- Exploit Prevention
- Behavior Detection
- Enabling and disabling Behavior Detection
- Selecting the action to take on detecting malware activity
- Protection of shared folders against external encryption
- Enabling and disabling protection of shared folders against external encryption
- Selecting the action to take on detection of external encryption of shared folders
- Creating an exclusion for protection of shared folders against external encryption
- Configuring addresses of exclusions from protection of shared folders against external encryption
- Exporting and importing a list of exclusions from protection of shared folders against external encryption
- Host Intrusion Prevention
- Remediation Engine
- Kaspersky Security Network
- Encrypted connections scan
- Wipe Data
- File Threat Protection
- Computer control
- Web Control
- Adding a web resource access rule
- Filter by web resource addresses
- Filter by web resource content
- Testing web resource access rules
- Exporting and importing Web Control rules
- Exporting and importing web resource addresses of the Web Control rule
- Monitoring user Internet activity
- Editing templates of Web Control messages
- Editing masks for web resource addresses
- Web Control for virtual machines
- Device Control
- Enabling and disabling Device Control
- About access rules
- Editing a device access rule
- Editing a connection bus access rule
- Managing access to mobile devices
- Managing access to Bluetooth devices
- Control of printing
- Control of Wi-Fi connections
- Monitoring usage of removable drives
- Changing the caching duration
- Actions with trusted devices
- Obtaining access to a blocked device
- Editing templates of Device Control messages
- Anti-Bridging
- Adaptive Anomaly Control
- Enabling and disabling Adaptive Anomaly Control
- Enabling and disabling an Adaptive Anomaly Control rule
- Modifying the action taken when an Adaptive Anomaly Control rule is triggered
- Creating an exclusion for an Adaptive Anomaly Control rule
- Exporting and importing exclusions for Adaptive Anomaly Control rules
- Applying updates for Adaptive Anomaly Control rules
- Editing Adaptive Anomaly Control message templates
- Viewing Adaptive Anomaly Control reports
- Application Control
- Application Control functionality limitations
- Receiving information about the applications that are installed on users' computers
- Enabling and disabling Application Control
- Selecting the Application Control mode
- Managing Application Control rules
- Adding a trigger condition for the Application Control rule
- Adding executable files from the Executable files folder to the application category
- Adding event-related executable files to the application category
- Adding an Application Control rule
- Changing the status of an Application Control rule via Kaspersky Security Center
- Exporting and importing Application Control rules
- Viewing events resulting from operation of the Application Control component
- Viewing a report on blocked applications
- Testing Application Control rules
- Application activity monitor
- Rules for creating name masks for files or folders
- Editing Application Control message templates
- Best practices for implementing a list of allowed applications
- Network ports monitoring
- Log Inspection
- System Integrity Monitoring
- Cloud Discovery
- Web Control
- Trusted zone
- Managing Backup
- Notification service
- Managing reports
- Kaspersky Endpoint Security Self-Defense
- Kaspersky Endpoint Security performance and compatibility with other applications
- Data Encryption
- Encryption functionality limitations
- Changing the length of the encryption key (AES56 / AES256)
- Kaspersky Disk Encryption
- Special features of SSD drive encryption
- Starting Kaspersky Disk Encryption
- Creating a list of hard drives excluded from encryption
- Exporting and importing a list of hard drives excluded from encryption
- Enabling Single Sign-On (SSO) technology
- Managing Authentication Agent accounts
- Using a token and smart card with Authentication Agent
- Hard drive decryption
- Restoring access to a drive protected by Kaspersky Disk Encryption technology
- Signing in with the Authentication Agent service account
- Updating the operating system
- Eliminating errors of encryption functionality update
- Selecting the Authentication Agent tracing level
- Editing Authentication Agent help texts
- Removing leftover objects and data after testing the operation of Authentication Agent
- BitLocker Management
- File Level Encryption on local computer drives
- Encrypting files on local computer drives
- Forming encrypted file access rules for applications
- Encrypting files that are created or modified by specific applications
- Generating a decryption rule
- Decrypting files on local computer drives
- Creating encrypted packages
- Restoring access to encrypted files
- Restoring access to encrypted data after operating system failure
- Editing templates of encrypted file access messages
- Encryption of removable drives
- Viewing data encryption details
- Working with encrypted devices when there is no access to them
- Detection and Response solutions
- MDR and EDR Optimum licensing
- Kaspersky Endpoint Agent
- Endpoint Detection and Response Agent
- Managed Detection and Response
- Endpoint Detection and Response
- Kaspersky Sandbox
- Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform
- Managing Quarantine
- Kaspersky Unified Monitoring and Analysis Platform (KUMA)
- KSWS to KES Migration Guide
- Correspondence of KSWS and KES components
- Correspondence of KSWS and KES settings
- Migrating KSWS components
- Migrating KSWS tasks and policies
- Migrating the KSWS trusted zone
- Installing KES instead of KSWS
- Migrating the [KSWS+KEA] configuration to [KES+built-in agent] configuration
- Making sure Kaspersky Security for Windows Server was successfully removed
- Activating KES with a KSWS key
- Special considerations for migrating high-load servers
- Managing the application on a server in Server Core mode
- Migrating from [KSWS+KEA] to [KES+built-in agent]
- Managing the application from the command line
- Setup. Installing the application
- Setup /x. Removing the application
- AVP commands
- SCAN. Malware Scan
- UPDATE. Updating databases and application software modules
- ROLLBACK. Last update rollback
- TRACES. Tracing
- START. Starting a profile
- STOP. Stopping the profile
- STATUS. Profile status
- STATISTICS. Profile operation statistics
- RESTORE. Restoring files from Backup
- EXPORT. Exporting application settings
- IMPORT. Importing application settings
- ADDKEY. Applying a key file
- LICENSE. Licensing
- RENEW. Purchasing a license
- PBATESTRESET. Resetting the disk check results before encrypting the disk
- EXIT. Exiting the application
- EXITPOLICY. Disabling policy
- STARTPOLICY. Enabling policy
- DISABLE. Disabling protection
- SPYWARE. Spyware detection
- KSN. Switching between KSN / KPSN
- SERVERBINDINGDISABLE. Disabling the server connection protection
- KESCLI commands
- Scan. Malware Scan
- GetScanState. Scan completion status
- GetLastScanTime. Determining the scan completion time
- GetThreats. Obtaining data on detected threats
- UpdateDefinitions. Updating databases and application software modules
- GetDefinitionState. Determining the release date and time of the databases
- EnableRTP. Enabling protection
- GetRealTimeProtectionState. File Threat Protection status
- GetEncryptionState. Disk encryption status
- Version. Identifying the application version
- Detection and Response management commands
- Error codes
- Appendix. Application profiles
- Managing the application through the REST API
- Sources of information about the application
- Contacting Technical Support
- Limitations and warnings
- Glossary
- Active key
- Administration group
- Anti-virus databases
- Archive
- Authentication Agent
- Certificate issuer
- Cloud Discovery
- Database of malicious web addresses
- Database of phishing web addresses
- Disinfection
- False alarm
- Infectable file
- Infected file
- IOC file
- License certificate
- Mask
- Network Agent
- Normalized form of the address of a web resource
- OLE object
- OpenIOC
- Portable File Manager
- Protection scope
- Scan scope
- Task
- Trusted Platform Module
- Appendices
- Appendix 1. Application settings
- File Threat Protection
- Web Threat Protection
- Mail Threat Protection
- Network Threat Protection
- Firewall
- BadUSB Attack Prevention
- AMSI Protection
- Exploit Prevention
- Behavior Detection
- Host Intrusion Prevention
- Remediation Engine
- Kaspersky Security Network
- Log Inspection
- Web Control
- Device Control
- Application Control
- Adaptive Anomaly Control
- System Integrity Monitoring
- Endpoint Sensor
- Sandbox
- Managed Detection and Response
- Endpoint Detection and Response
- Endpoint Detection and Response (KATA)
- Network Detection and Response (KATA)
- Full Disk Encryption
- File Level Encryption
- Encryption of removable drives
- Templates (data encryption)
- Exclusions
- Application settings
- Reports and storage
- Network settings
- Interface
- Manage Settings
- Updating databases and application software modules
- Appendix 2. Application trust groups
- Appendix 3. File extensions for quick removable drives scan
- Appendix 4. File Types for the Mail Threat Protection attachment filter
- Appendix 5. Network settings for interaction with external services
- Appendix 6. Application events
- Appendix 7. Supported file extensions for Execution prevention
- Appendix 8. Supported script interpreters for Execution prevention
- Appendix 9. IOC scan scope in the registry (RegistryItem)
- Appendix 10. IOC file requirements
- Appendix 11. User accounts in application component rules
- Appendix 1. Application settings
- Information about third-party code
- Trademark notices
Enabling and disabling AM-PPL support
Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports Antimalware Protected Process Light technology (hereinafter referred to as "AM-PPL") from Microsoft. AM-PPL protects Kaspersky Endpoint Security processes against malicious actions (for example, terminating the application). AM-PPL allows only trusted processes to run. Kaspersky Endpoint Security processes are signed in accordance with Windows security requirements, and therefore they are trusted. For more details about AM-PPL technology, please visit the Microsoft website. AM-PPL technology is enabled by default.
Kaspersky Endpoint Security also has built-in mechanisms for protecting application processes. AM-PPL support lets you delegate process security functions to the operating system. You can thereby increase the speed of the application and reduce the consumption of computer resources.
AM-PPL technology is available for Windows 10 version 1703 (RS2) or later, and Windows Server 2019 operating systems.
To enable or disable AM-PPL technology:
- Turn off the application's Self-Defense mechanism.
The Self-Defense mechanism prevents modification and deletion of application processes in the computer memory, including changing the AM-PPL status.
- Run the command line interpreter (cmd.exe) as an administrator.
- Go to the folder where the Kaspersky Endpoint Security executable file is located.
You can add path to the executable file to the %PATH% system variable during application installation.
- Type the following in the command line:
klpsm.exe enable
– enable support for AM-PPL technology (see the figure below).klpsm.exe disable
– disable support for AM-PPL technology.
- Restart Kaspersky Endpoint Security.
- Resume the application's Self-Defense mechanism.
Enabling support for AM-PPL technology