KasperskyOS Community Edition

messagebus example

May 21, 2024

ID appendix_messagebus_example

This example demonstrates use of the MessageBus component in KasperskyOS.

In this example, the Publisher, SubscriberA and SubscriberB programs use the MessageBus component to exchange messages.

The MessageBus component implements the message bus. The Publisher program is the publisher that transfers messages to the bus. The SubscriberA and SubscriberB programs are the subscribers that receive messages from the bus.

The example also demonstrates the use of various virtual file systems (VFS) in a single solution. The example uses different VFS to access the functions for working with the file system and functions for working with the network:

  • The VfsNet program is used for working with the network.
  • The VfsSdCardFs program is used to work with the file system.

The kl.Ntpd program is included in KasperskyOS Community Edition and is an implementation of an NTP client, which gets time parameters from external NTP servers in the background and passes them to the KasperskyOS kernel.

The kl.rump.Dhcpcd program is included in KasperskyOS Community Edition and is an implementation of a DHCP client, which gets the parameters of network interfaces from an external DHCP server in the background and passes them to the virtual file system.

The CMake system, which is included with KasperskyOS Community Edition, is used to build and run the example.

Example files

The code of the example and build scripts are available at the following path:


Building and running example

See Building and running examples section.

To ensure that the messagebus example will correctly run in Raspberry Pi, you must do the following after building the example and preparing your bootable SD card:

  • Create the /lib directory on the bootable SD card if this directory doesn't already exist.
  • Open the build/hdd/lib directory that was generated when building the example and copy the directory contents to the /lib directory on the bootable SD card.

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