KasperskyOS Community Edition

Distribution kit

May 21, 2024

ID sdk_contents

The KasperskyOS SDK is a set of software tools for creating KasperskyOS-based solutions.

The distribution kit of KasperskyOS Community Edition includes the following:

  • DEB package for installation of KasperskyOS Community Edition, including:
    • Image of the KasperskyOS kernel
    • Development tools (GCC compiler, LD linker, binutils toolset, QEMU emulator, and accompanying tools)
    • Utilities and scripts (for example, source code generators, makekss script for creating the Kaspersky Security Module, and makeimg script for creating the solution image)
    • A set of libraries that provide partial compatibility with the POSIX standard
    • Drivers
    • System programs (for example, virtual file system)
    • Usage examples for components of KasperskyOS Community Edition
    • End User License Agreement
    • Information about third-party code (Legal Notices)
  • KasperskyOS Community Edition Developer's Guide (Online Help)
  • Release Notes

The KasperskyOS SDK is installed to a computer running the Ubuntu GNU/Linux operating system.

The following components included in the KasperskyOS Community Edition distribution kit are the Runtime Components as defined by the terms of the License Agreement:

  • Image of the KasperskyOS kernel.

All the other components of the distribution kit are not the Runtime Components. Terms and conditions of the use of each component can be additionally defined in the section "Information about third-party code".

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