KasperskyOS Community Edition

Hardware abstraction layer endpoint

May 21, 2024

ID kernel_methods_hal

This endpoint is intended for receiving the values of HAL parameters, working with privileged registers, clearing the processor cache, providing diagnostic output, and receiving hardware-generated random numbers.

Information about methods of the endpoint is provided in the table below.

Methods of the hal.HAL endpoint (kl.core.HAL interface)


Method purpose and parameters

Potential danger of the method



Gets the value of a HAL parameter.


  • [in] name – name of the parameter.
  • [out] value – value of the parameter.
  • [out] rc – return code.

Gets values of HAL parameters that could contain critical system information.



Gets the value of a privileged register.


  • [in] reg – name of the register.
  • [out] val – value of the register.
  • [out] rc – return code.

Sets up a data transfer channel with a process that has access to the SetPrivReg or SetPrivRegRange method.

It is recommended to monitor the name of a register.



Sets the value of a privileged register.


  • [in] reg – name of the register.
  • [in] val – value of the register.
  • [out] rc – return code.

Allows the following:

  • Set the value of a privileged register.
  • Set up a data transfer channel with a process that has access to the GetPrivReg or GetPrivRegRange method.

It is recommended to monitor the name of a register.



Gets the value of a privileged register.


  • [in] regRange – name of the registers range.
  • [in] offset – register offset in the registers range.
  • [out] val – value of the register.
  • [out] rc – return code.

Sets up a data transfer channel with a process that has access to the SetPrivReg or SetPrivRegRange method.

It is recommended to monitor the name of the registers range and the register offset in this range.



Sets the value of a privileged register.


  • [in] regRange – name of the registers range.
  • [in] offset – register offset in the registers range.
  • [in] val – value of the register.
  • [out] rc – return code.

Allows the following:

  • Set the value of a privileged register.
  • Set up a data transfer channel with a process that has access to the GetPrivReg or GetPrivRegRange method.

It is recommended to monitor the name of the registers range and the register offset in this range.



Clears the processor cache.


  • [in] type – value defining the cache type (data cache, instructions cache, or joint data and instructions cache).
  • [in] va – base address of the virtual memory region. The cache corresponding to this region is cleared.
  • [in] size – size of the virtual memory region. The cache corresponding to this region is cleared.
  • [out] rc – return code.

Allows the processor cache to be cleared.



Puts data into the diagnostic output that is written, for example, to a COM port or USB port (version 3.0 or later, with DbC support).


  • [in] data – sequence containing the data to be put into the diagnostic output.
  • [out] rc – return code.

Populates diagnostic output with fictitious (uninformative) data.



Gets hardware-generated random numbers.


  • [out] buffer—sequence containing random byte values.
  • [in] size—number of random byte values.
  • [out] rc – return code.

Creates a load on the hardware-based random number generator with frequent method calls so that other processes are unable to receive random numbers using this generator.

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