KasperskyOS Community Edition

platform library

May 21, 2024

ID cmake_platform_lib

The platform library contains the following commands:

  • initialize_platform() is the command for initializing the platform library.

    The initialize_platform() command can be called with the FORCE_STATIC parameter, which enables forced static linking of executable files:

    • By default, if the toolchain in the KasperskyOS SDK supports dynamic linking, the initialize_platform() command causes the -rdynamic flag to be used automatically for building all executable files defined via CMake add_executable() commands.
    • When calling initialize_platform (FORCE_STATIC) in the CMakeLists.txt root file, the toolchain supporting dynamic linking performs static linking of executable files.

    The initialize_platform() command can be called with the NO_NEW_VERSION_CHECK parameter, which disables the check for SDK updates and transmission of the SDK version to the Kaspersky server.

    To disable the check for SDK updates and transmission of SDK version data to the Kaspersky server, use the following call during the solution build: initialize_platform(NO_NEW_VERSION_CHECK). For more details about the data provision policy, see Data provision.

  • project_static_executable_header_default() is the command for enabling forced static linking of executable files defined via subsequent CMake add_executable() commands in one CMakeLists.txt file. The toolchain that supports dynamic linking performs static linking of these executable files.
  • platform_target_force_static() is the command for enabling forced static linking of an executable file defined via the CMake add_executable() command. The toolchain that supports dynamic linking performs static linking of this executable file. For example, if the CMake commands add_executable(client "src/client.c") and platform_target_force_static(client) are called, static linking is performed for the client program.
  • project_header_default() is the command for setting compile flags.

    Command parameters are defined in pairs consisting of a compile flag and its value: "FLAG_1:VALUE_1" "FLAG_2:VALUE_2" ... "FLAG_N:VALUE_N". The CMake platform library converts these pairs into compiler parameters. Frequently used compile flags for C and C++ compilers from the GCC set and the values of these flags are presented in the table below.

    Compile flags

    YES value

    NO value

    Default value


    The ISO C90 and 1998 ISO C++ standards are used.

    For C and C++ compilers, the value is converted into the parameter -ansi.

    The ISO C90 and 1998 ISO C++ standards are not used.



    The ISO C99 standard is used.

    For a C compiler, the value is converted into the parameter -std=c99.

    The ISO C99 standard is not used.



    The ISO C99 standard with GNU extensions is used.

    For a C compiler, the value is converted into the parameter -std=gnu99.

    The ISO C99 standard with GNU extensions is not used.



    The ISO C11 and 2011 ISO C++ standards are used.

    For a C compiler, the value is converted into the parameter -std=c11 or -std=c1x depending on the compiler version.

    For a C++ compiler, the value is converted into the parameter -std=c++11 or -std=c++0x depending on the compiler version.

    The ISO C11 and 2011 ISO C++ standards are not used.



    The ISO C11 and 2011 ISO C++ standards with GNU extensions are used.

    For a C compiler, the value is converted into the parameter -std=gnu1x or -std=gnu11 depending on the compiler version.

    For a C++ compiler, the value is converted into the parameter -std=gnu++0x or -std=gnu++11 depending on the compiler version.

    The ISO C11 and 2011 ISO C++ standards with GNU extensions are not used.



    The 2014 ISO C++ standard is used.

    For a C++ compiler, the value is converted into the parameter -std=c++14.

    The 2014 ISO C++ standard is not used.



    The 2014 ISO C++ standard with GNU extensions is used.

    For a C++ compiler, the value is converted into the parameter -std=gnu++14.

    The 2014 ISO C++ standard with GNU extensions is not used.



    The ISO C17 and 2017 ISO C++ standards are used.

    For a C compiler, the value is converted into the parameter -std=c17.

    For a C++ compiler, the value is converted into the parameter -std=c++17.

    The ISO C17 and 2017 ISO C++ standards are not used.



    The ISO C17 and 2017 ISO C++ standards with GNU extensions are used.

    For a C compiler, the value is converted into the parameter -std=gnu17.

    For a C++ compiler, the value is converted into the parameter -std=gnu++17.

    The ISO C17 and 2017 ISO C++ standards with GNU extensions are not used.



    Warnings are enabled for the detection of potential issues and errors in code written in C and C++.

    For C and C++ compilers, the value is converted into the following parameters: -Wcast-qual, -Wcast-align, -Wundef.

    For a C compiler, the parameter -Wmissing-prototypes is additionally used.

    Warnings are disabled.


    If compiler flags in the format STANDART_* are not defined through command parameters, the parameter STANDARD_GNU_17:YES is used by default.

When using the initialize_platform(FORCE_STATIC), project_static_executable_header_default() and platform_target_force_static() commands, you may encounter linking errors if the static variants of the required libraries are missing (for example, if they were not built or are not included in the KasperskyOS SDK). Even if the static variants of the required libraries are available, these errors may still occur because the build system searches for the dynamic variants of required libraries by default instead of the expected static variants when using the initialize_platform(FORCE_STATIC), project_static_executable_header_default() and platform_target_force_static() commands. To avoid errors, first make sure that the static variants are available. Then configure the build system to search for static libraries (although this capability may not be available for some libraries), or explicitly define linking with static libraries.

Examples of configuring the build system to search for static libraries:

set (fmt_USE_STATIC ON)

find_package (fmt REQUIRED)

set (fdn_USE_STATIC ON)

find_package (fdn REQUIRED)

set (sqlite_wrapper_USE_STATIC ON)

find_package (sqlite_wrapper REQUIRED)

Example that explicitly defines linking with a static library:

target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC logger::logger-static)

For more details about using dynamic libraries, see "Using dynamic libraries".

These commands are used in CMakeLists.txt files for the Einit program and application software.

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