KasperskyOS Community Edition


May 21, 2024

ID nkpslgenc

The nk-psl-gen-c compiler generates the C-language source code of the Kaspersky Security Module based on the solution security policy description and the IDL, CDL, and EDL descriptions. This code is used by the makekss script.

The nk-psl-gen-c compiler can also generate the C-language source code of solution security policy tests based on solution security policy tests in PAL.

Syntax of the shell command for starting the nk-psl-gen-c compiler:

nk-psl-gen-c [{-I|--include-dir} <DIR>]... [{-o|--output} <FILE>] [--out-tests <FILE>]

[{-t|--tests} <ARG>] [{-a|--audit} <FILE>] [-h|--help] [--version] <INPUT>



    Path to the top-level file of the solution security policy description. This is normally the security.psl file.

  • {-I|--include-dir} <DIR>

    These parameters are used to define the paths to directories containing IDL, CDL, and EDL files pertaining to the solution, and the paths to directories containing auxiliary files from the KasperskyOS SDK (common, sysroot-*-kos/include, toolchain/include).

  • {-o|--output} <FILE>

    Path to the file that will save the source code of the Kaspersky Security Module and (optionally) the source code of solution security policy tests. The path must include existing directories.

  • --out-tests <FILE>

    Path to the file that will save the source code of the solution security policy tests.

  • {-t|--tests} <ARG>

    Defines whether the source code of solution security policy tests must be generated. ARG can take the following values:

    • skip: – source code of tests is not generated. This value is used by default if the -t, --tests <ARG> parameter is not specified.
    • generate: – source code of tests is generated. If the source code of tests is generated, you are advised to use the --out-tests <FILE> parameter. Otherwise, the source code of tests will be saved in the same file containing the source code of the Kaspersky Security Module, which may lead to errors during the build.
  • {-a|--audit} <FILE>

    Path to the file that will save the C-language source code of the audit decoder.

  • -h|--help

    Prints the Help text.

  • --version

    Prints the version of the nk-psl-gen-c compiler.

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