Kaspersky Next XDR Expert

Distributed deployment: Specifying the installation parameters

July 8, 2024

ID 249240

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The configuration file is a file in the YAML format and contains a set of installation parameters for the Kaspersky Next XDR Expert components.

The installation parameters listed in the tables below are required for the distributed deployment of Kaspersky Next XDR Expert. To deploy Kaspersky Next XDR Expert on a single node, use the configuration file that contains installation parameters specific for the single node deployment.

The template of the configuration file is located in the distribution package with the Kaspersky Next XDR Expert components. You can fill out the configuration file template manually; or use the Configuration wizard to specify the installation parameters that are required for the Kaspersky Next XDR Expert deployment, and then generate the configuration file.

For correct work of KDT with the configuration file, enter an empty line at the end of the file.

The nodes section of the configuration file contains the target host parameters that are listed in the table below.

Installation parameters of the nodes section

Parameter name



Possible values



The name of the node.

String value



The node type.





The IP address of the node. All nodes must be included in the same subnet.

IP address



The node type that specifies the Kaspersky Next XDR Expert component that will be installed on this node. If the kind parameter of the node is set to admsrv, Administration Server will be installed on this node. If you want to install a DBMS on the node inside the cluster, set the kind parameter to db for the corresponding node. For other nodes, you can leave this parameter empty.

We recommend specifying this parameter for Kaspersky Next XDR Expert to work correctly.

admsrv or db



The username of the user account created on the target host and used for connection to the node by KDT.

String value



The path to the private part of the SSH key located on the administrator host and used for connection to the node by KDT.

String value

The parameters section of the configuration file contains the parameters listed in the table below.

Installation parameters of the parameters section

Parameter name



Possible values



The connection string for accessing the DBMS that is installed and configured on a separate server. 

Specify this parameter as follows: psql_dsn=postgres://<dbms_username>:<password>@<fqdn>:<port>.

dbms_username—The user name of a privileged internal DBMS account. This account is granted permissions to create databases and other DBMS accounts. By using this privileged DBMS account, the databases and other DBMS accounts required for the Kaspersky Next XDR Expert components will be created during the deployment. 

password—The password of the privileged internal DBMS account.

fqdn:port—The FQDN and connection port of a separate server on which the DBMS is installed.

If the psql_dsn parameter is set, the Kaspersky Next XDR Expert components use the DBMS located at the specified FQDN. Otherwise, the Kaspersky Next XDR Expert components use the DBMS inside the cluster.

We recommend installing a DBMS on a separate server outside the cluster.
After you deploy Kaspersky Next XDR Expert, changing the DBMS installed inside the cluster to a DBMS installed on a separate server is not available.

String value



The language of the OSMP Console interface specified by default. After installation, you can change the OSMP Console language.

enUS or ruRu



The reserved static IP address of the Kubernetes cluster gateway. The gateway must be included in the same subnet as all cluster nodes.

If you install the DBMS on a separate server, the gateway IP address must contain the subnet mask /32.

If you install the DBMS inside the cluster, set the gateway IP address to an IP range in the format, where the first IP address of the range is the gateway IP address itself and the second IP address of the range is the DBMS IP address.

IP address



The path to the private part of the SSH key located on the administrator host and used for connection to the node by KDT.

String value



The path to the private part of the SSH key located on the administrator host and used for connection to the nodes with the KUMA services (collectors, correlators and storages).

String value

kscpassword, adminPassword


The kscpassword and adminPassword parameters specify the password of the same Kaspersky Next XDR Expert user account that will be created by KDT during the installation. The default username of this account is "admin".

The Main administrator role is assigned to this user account.

The kscpassword and adminPassword parameter values must match.

The adminPassword parameter is used for uploading the KUMA license and out of the box resources.

The password must comply with the following rules:

  • The user password cannot have less than 8 or more than 16 characters.
  • The password must contain characters from at least three of the groups listed below:
    • Uppercase letters (A–Z)
    • Lowercase letters (a–z)
    • Numbers (0–9)
    • Special characters (@ # $ % ^ & * - _ ! + = [ ] { } | : ' , . ? / \ ` ~ " ( ) ;)

String value



The parameter that indicates that Kaspersky Next XDR Expert is installed on the target host with limited computing resources.

Set the lowResources parameter to false for distributed deployment.

true or false



The parameter that specifies the amount of disk space for the operation of KUMA Core. This parameter is used only if the lowResources parameter is set to false. If the lowResources parameter is set to true, the coreDiskRequest parameter is ignored and 4 GB of the disk space for the operation of KUMA Core is allocated. If you do not specify the coreDiskRequest parameter and the lowResources parameter is set to false, the default amount of disk space for the operation of KUMA Core is allocated. The default amount of disk space is 512 GB.

String value



The path to the KUMA inventory file located on the administrator host. The inventory file contains installation parameters for deployment of the KUMA services that are not included in the Kubernetes cluster.

String value



The path to the additional KUMA inventory file located on the administrator host. This file contains the installation parameters used to partially add or remove hosts with the KUMA services.

If you perform an initial deployment of Kaspersky Next XDR Expert or you do not need to partially add or remove hosts with the KUMA services, set this parameter to /dev/null.

String value



The path to the license key of KUMA.

String value



The domain name that is used in the addresses of the public Kaspersky Next XDR Expert services.

String value



The domain name for which a self-signed or custom certificate is to be generated. The pki_domain and smp_domain parameter values must match.

String value

iam-nwc_host, flow_host, hydra_host, login_host, admsrv_fqdn, console_fqdn, api_fqdn, kuma_fqdn, psql_fqdn, monitoring_fqdn, coreIngressHost, gateway_host, hydra_fqdn, IAMHydraServerPublicExternal


The addresses of the Kaspersky Next XDR Expert services. These addresses contain the domain name, which must match the smp_domain parameter value.

String value



The list of addresses of the public Kaspersky Next XDR Expert services for which a self-signed or custom certificate is to be generated. These addresses contain the domain name, which must match the smp_domain parameter value.

String value



The path to the custom intermediate certificate used to work with public Kaspersky Next XDR Expert services.

String value



The parameter that indicates whether to use the custom intermediate certificate instead of the self-signed certificates for the public Kaspersky Next XDR Expert services.

true or false

admsrv_bundle, api_bundle, console_bundle, psql_bundle


The paths to the custom leaf certificates used to work with the corresponding public Kaspersky Next XDR Expert services: admsrv.<smp_domain>, api.<smp_domain>, console.<smp_domain>, psql.<smp_domain>. Specify the psql_bundle parameter if you installed the DBMS inside the Kubernetes cluster on the DBMS node.

If you want to specify the leaf custom certificates, set the intermediate_enabled parameter to false and do not specify the intermediate_bundle parameter.

String value



The address of KUMA Console. This address contains the domain name, which must match the smp_domain parameter value.

String value



The address of OSMP Console. This address contains the domain name, which must match the smp_domain parameter value.

String value

encrypt_secret, sign_secret


The names of the secret files that are stored in the Kubernetes cluster. These names contain the domain name, which must match the smp_domain parameter value.

String value



The amount of free disk space allocated to store the Administration Server data (updates, installation packages, and other internal service data). Measured in gigabytes, specified as "<amount>Gi". The required amount of free disk space depends on the number of managed devices and other parameters, and can be calculated. The minimum recommend value is 10 GB.

String value



The amount of free disk space allocated to store the internal service KDT data. Measured in gigabytes, specified as "<amount>Gi". The minimum recommend value is 1 GB.

String value



The amount of free disk space allocated to store the backups of the Administration Server data. Measured in gigabytes, specified as "<amount>Gi".The minimum recommend value is 10 GB.

String value



The amount of free disk space allocated to store metrics. Measured in gigabytes, specified as "<amount>GB". The minimum recommend value is 5 GB.

String value



The amount of free disk space allocated to store OSMP logs. Measured in gigabytes, specified as "<amount>Gi". The minimum recommend value is 20 GB.

String value



The adminLogin parameter specifies the username of the Kaspersky Next XDR Expert user account that will be created by KDT during the installation. This parameter is used for uploading of the KUMA resources.

The adminLogin and kumaLogin parameter values must match.

The default parameter value is admin. Do not change the parameter value.

String value



The parameter that indicates whether to encrypt the traffic between the Kaspersky Next XDR Expert components and the DBMS by using the TLS protocol.

true or false



The path to the PEM file that can contain the TLS certificate of the DBMS server or a root certificate from which the TLS server certificate can be issued.

String value



The path to the PEM file that contains a certificate and a private key of the Kaspersky Next XDR Expert component. This certificate is used to establish the TLS connection between the Kaspersky Next XDR Expert components and the DBMS.

String value



The parameter that indicates whether to use the proxy server to connect the Kaspersky Next XDR Expert components to the internet. If the host on which Kaspersky Next XDR Expert is installed has internet access, you can also provide internet access for operation of Kaspersky Next XDR Expert components (for example, Administration Server) and for specific integrations, both Kaspersky and third-party. To establish the proxy connection, you must also specify the proxy server parameters in the Administration Server properties.

true or false



The IP address of the proxy server. If the proxy server uses multiple IP addresses, specify these addresses separated by a space (for example, "").

String value



The number of the port through which the proxy connection will be established.

String value

psql_ns, psql_instancekumaUrlkumaLogin


The parameters for internal use. Do not change the parameter value.

String value

Sample of the configuration file for the distributed deployment of Kaspersky Next XDR Expert

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