Kaspersky Next XDR Expert

Viewing the playbooks table

July 8, 2024

ID 264606

The playbooks table is displayed in the Monitoring & reportingPlaybooks section. By default, the table displays the playbooks related to all of the tenants to which you have access rights.

The playbooks table displays all existing playbooks, except for playbooks with the Deleted operation mode.

To configure the playbooks table, do any of the following:

  • Apply tenant filter:
    1. Click the link next to the Tenant filter setting.
    2. The tenant filter opens.
    3. Select the check boxes next to the required tenants.
  • Filter the data of the playbooks table:
    1. Click the Filter button.
    2. On the Filters tab, specify and apply the filter criterion in the invoked menu.
  • If you want to hide or display a column, click the settings icon (), and then select the necessary column.

The playbooks table is configured and displays the data you need.

The playbooks table contains the following information:

  • Name. Name of the custom or predefined playbooks.

    The predefined playbooks are marked with the [KL] prefix in the name and cannot be edited or deleted.

  • Operation mode. Playbook operation mode that defines the way to launch the playbook. For more details on operation modes, see the Playbooks section.
  • Tags. Tags that are assigned to a playbook. You can filter playbooks by using the assigned tags.
  • Response actions. Actions that are launched within playbooks.
  • Launches. Total number of playbook launches.
  • Modified. Date and time of the last edit of the playbook.
  • Created. Date and time the playbook was created.
  • Availability. Playbook launch availability. Possible values:
    • Available. All response actions within the playbook are available to the user.
    • Unavailable. There are response actions that cannot be launched by the user.
  • Parent tenant. Name of the tenant to which the playbook belongs.
  • Description. Playbook description or a comment. By default, this column is hidden.
  • Scope. Playbook scope. Possible values: Alert or Incident. By default, this column is hidden.
  • Created by. Name of the playbook's creator. By default, this column is hidden.
  • Updated by. Name of the user who edited the playbook. By default, this column is hidden.

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