Kaspersky Next XDR Expert

Manually creating SQL queries

July 8, 2024

ID 264300

You can use the search string to manually create SQL queries of any complexity to filter events.

Executing an SQL query affects the displayed table columns.

If the SQL query contains the * value, columns specified in the query are added to the table if they were absent. Removing a displayed column from the subsequent queries does not hide the corresponding column.

If the SQL query does not contain the * value, the table only displays columns for the specified fields that conform the normalized event data model. Columns are displayed even if there is no data for them.

To manually generate an SQL query:

  1. Follow the steps to open the events table.
  2. Enter your SQL query into the input field.
  3. Click the Apply query button.

    The table displays events that satisfy the criteria of your query. If necessary, you can filter events by period.

To display non-printable characters in the SQL query field, press either of the following key combinations:

  • Ctrl+*/Command+*
  • Ctrl+Shift+8/Command+Shift+8

If you enable the display of non-printable characters in the XDR component, other components (such as KUMA) do not automatically display non-printable characters until you reload the components' browser tabs.

Supported functions and operators


Event fields that should be returned.

For SELECT fields, the program supports the following functions and operators:

Aggregation functions: count, avg, max, min, sum.

Arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, <, >, =, !=, >=, <=.

You can combine these functions and operators.

If you are using aggregation functions in a query, you cannot customize the events table display, sort events in ascending or descending order, or receive statistics.


Data source.


Conditions for filtering events.

  • AND, OR, NOT, =, !=, >, >=, <, <=
  • IN
  • LIKE
  • inSubnet
  • match (the re2 syntax of regular expressions is used in queries; special characters must be shielded with "\")


Event fields or aliases to be used for grouping the returned data.

If you are using data grouping in a query, you cannot customize the events table display, sort events in ascending or descending order, receive statistics, or perform a retrospective scan.


Columns used as the basis for sorting the returned data.

Possible values:

  • DESC — descending order.
  • ASC — ascending order.


Skip the indicated number of lines before printing the query results output.


Number of strings displayed in the table.

The default value is 250.

When switching to the query builder, the query parameters that were manually entered into the search string are not transferred to the builder, so you will need to create your query again. Also, the query created in the builder does not overwrite the query that was entered into the search string until you click the Apply button in the builder window.

Aliases must not contain spaces.

Example queries

  • SELECT * FROM `events` WHERE Type IN ('Base', 'Audit') ORDER BY Timestamp DESC LIMIT 250

    In the events table, all events with the Base and Audit type are sorted by the Timestamp column in descending order. The number of strings that can be displayed in the table is 250.

  • SELECT * FROM `events` WHERE BytesIn BETWEEN 1000 AND 2000 ORDER BY Timestamp ASC LIMIT 250

    All events of the events table for which the BytesIn field contains a value of received traffic in the range from 1,000 to 2,000 bytes are sorted by the Timestamp column in ascending order. The number of strings that can be displayed in the table is 250.

  • SELECT * FROM `events` WHERE Message LIKE '%ssh:%' ORDER BY Timestamp DESC LIMIT 250

    In the events table, all events whose Message field contains data corresponding to the defined %ssh:% template in lowercase are sorted by the Timestamp column in descending order. The number of strings that can be displayed in the table is 250.

  • SELECT * FROM `events` WHERE inSubnet(DeviceAddress, '') ORDER BY Timestamp DESC LIMIT 250

    In the events table, all events for the hosts that are in the subnet are sorted by the Timestamp column in descending order. The number of strings that can be displayed in the table is 250.

  • SELECT * FROM `events` WHERE match(Message, 'ssh.*') ORDER BY Timestamp DESC LIMIT 250

    In the events table, all events whose Message field contains text corresponding to the ssh.* template are sorted by the Timestamp column in descending order. The number of strings that can be displayed in the table is 250.

  • SELECT max(BytesOut) / 1024 FROM `events`

    Maximum amount of outbound traffic (KB) for the selected time period.

  • SELECT count(ID) AS "Count", SourcePort AS "Port" FROM `events` GROUP BY SourcePort ORDER BY Port ASC LIMIT 250

    Number of events and port number. Events are grouped by port number and sorted by the Port column in ascending order. The number of strings that can be displayed in the table is 250.

    The ID column in the events table is named Count, and the SourcePort column is named Port.

  • SELECT * FROM `events` WHERE match(Message, 'ssh:\'connection.*') ORDER BY Timestamp DESC LIMIT 250

    If you want to use a special character in a query, you need to escape this character by placing a backslash (\) character in front of it.

    In the events table, all events whose Message field contains text corresponding to the ssh: 'connection' template are sorted by the Timestamp column in descending order. The number of strings that can be displayed in the table is 250.

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