Kaspersky Next XDR Expert

Adding hosts for installing the additional KUMA services

July 8, 2024

ID 272398

If you need to expand the storage, or add new collectors and correlators for the increased flow of events, you can add additional hosts for installation of the KUMA services.

You must specify the parameters of the additional hosts in the expand.inventory.yml file. This file is located in the distribution package with the transport archive, KDT, the configuration file, and other files. In the expand.inventory.yml file, you can specify several additional hosts for collectors, correlators, and storages at once. Ensure that hardware, software, and installation requirements for the selected hosts are met.

To prepare the required infrastructure on the hosts specified in the expand.inventory.yml file, you need to create the service directories to which the files that are required for the service installation are added. To prepare the infrastructure, run the following command and specify the expand.inventory.yml file:

./kdt invoke kuma --action addHosts --param hostInventory=<path_to_inventory_file>

On the hosts specified in the expand.inventory.yml file, the service directories to which the files that are required for the service installation are added.

Sample of the additional KUMA inventory file for installation of the KUMA services (the expand.inventory.yml file)

Adding an additional storage, collector, or correlator

You can add an additional storage cluster, collector, or correlator to your existing infrastructure. If you want to add several services, it is recommended to install them in the following order: storages, collectors, and correlators.

To add an additional storage cluster, collector, or correlator:

  1. Sign in to KUMA Console.

    You can use one of the following methods:

    • In the main menu of OSMP Console, go to SettingsKUMA.
    • In your browser, go to https://kuma.<smp_domain>:7220.
  2. In the KUMA Console, create a resource set for each KUMA service (storages, collectors, and correlators) that you want to install on the prepared hosts.
  3. Create services for storages, collectors and correlators in KUMA Console.
  4. Obtain the service identifiers to bind the created resource sets and the KUMA services:
    1. In the KUMA Console main menu, go to ResourcesActive services.
    2. Select the required KUMA service, and then click the Copy ID button.
  5. Install the KUMA services on each prepared host listed in the kuma_storage, kuma_collector, and kuma_correlator sections of the expand.inventory.yml inventory file. On each machine, in the installation command, specify the service ID corresponding to the host. Run the corresponding commands to install the KUMA services:
    • Installation command for the storage:

      sudo /opt/kaspersky/kuma/kuma storage --core https://<KUMA Core server FQDN>:7210 --id <service ID copied from the KUMA Console> --install

    • Installation command for the collector:

      sudo /opt/kaspersky/kuma/kuma collector --core https://<KUMA Core server FQDN>:7210 --id <service ID copied from the KUMA Console> --api.port <port used for communication with the installed component>

    • Installation command for the correlator:

      sudo /opt/kaspersky/kuma/kuma correlator --core https://<KUMA Core server FQDN>:7210 --id <service ID copied from the KUMA Console> --api.port <port used for communication with the installed component> --install

      The collector and correlator installation commands are automatically generated on the Setup validation tab of the Installation Wizard, and the port used for communication is added to the command automatically. Use the generated commands to install the collector and correlator on the hosts. This will allow you to make sure that the ports for communication with the services specified in the command are available.

    By default, the FQDN of the KUMA Core is kuma.<smp_domain>.

    The port that is used for connection to KUMA Core cannot be changed. By default, port 7210 is used.

The additional KUMA services are installed.

Adding hosts to an existing storage

You can expand an existing storage (storage cluster) by adding hosts as new storage cluster nodes.

To add hosts to an existing storage:

  1. Sign in to KUMA Console.

    You can use one of the following methods:

    • In the main menu of OSMP Console, go to SettingsKUMA.
    • In your browser, go to https://kuma.<smp_domain>:7220.
  2. Add new nodes to the storage cluster. To do this, edit the settings of the existing storage cluster:
    1. In the Resources Storages section, select an existing storage, and then open the storage for editing.
    2. In the ClickHouse cluster nodes section, click Add nodes, and then specify roles in the fields for the new node. Specify the corresponding host domain names from the kuma_storage section of the expand.inventory.yml file, and then specify the roles for the new nodes.
    3. Save changes.

    You do not need to create a separate storage because you are adding servers to an existing storage cluster.

  3. Create storage services for each added storage cluster node in KUMA Console, and then bind the services to the storage cluster.
  4. Obtain the storage service identifiers for each prepared host to install the KUMA services:
    1. In the KUMA Console main menu, go to ResourcesActive services.
    2. Select the required KUMA service, and then click the Copy ID button.
  5. Install the storage service on each prepared host listed in the kuma_storage section of the expand.inventory.yml inventory file. On each machine, in the installation command, specify the service ID corresponding to the host. Run the following command to install the storage service:

    sudo /opt/kaspersky/kuma/kuma storage --core https://<KUMA Core server FQDN>:7210 --id <service ID copied from the KUMA Console> --install

    By default, the FQDN of the KUMA Core is kuma.<smp_domain>.

    The port that is used for connection to KUMA Core cannot be changed. By default, port 7210 is used.

The additional hosts are added to the storage cluster.

Specify the added hosts in the distributed.inventory.yml inventory file so that it has up-to-date information in case of a KUMA components update.

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