Kaspersky Next XDR Expert

Preparing the KUMA inventory file

July 8, 2024

ID 265307

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The KUMA inventory file is a file in the YAML format that contains installation parameters for deployment of the KUMA services that are not included in the Kubernetes cluster. The path to the KUMA inventory file is included in the configuration file that is used by Kaspersky Deployment Toolkit for the Kaspersky Next XDR Expert deployment.

The templates of the KUMA inventory file are located in the distribution package. If you want to install the KUMA services (storage, collector, and correlator) on one host, use the single.inventory.yaml file. To install the services on several hosts in the network infrastructure, use the distributed.inventory.yaml file.

We recommend backing up the KUMA inventory file that you used to install the KUMA services. You can use it to remove KUMA.

To prepare the KUMA inventory file,

Open the KUMA inventory file template located in the distribution package, and then edit the variables in the inventory file.

The KUMA inventory file contains the following blocks:

  • all block

    The all block contains the variables that are applied to all hosts specified in the inventory file. The variables are located in the vars section.

  • kuma block

    The kuma block contains the variables that are applied to hosts on which the KUMA services will be installed. These hosts are listed in the kuma block in the children section. The variables are located in the vars section.

The following table lists possible variables, their descriptions, possible values, and blocks of the KUMA inventory file where these variables can be located.

List of possible variables in the vars section



Possible values


Variables located in the vars section of the all and kuma blocks


Method used to connect to the KUMA service hosts.

  • ssh—Connection to the target hosts via SSH is established.
  • local—No connection to the target hosts is established.

To provide the correct installation of the KUMA services, in the all block, set the ansible_connection variable to local.

In the kuma block, you must specify this variable and set ansible_connection to ssh to provide the connection to the hosts on which the KUMA services are installed via SSH.

  • all
  • kuma


User name used to connect to KUMA service hosts to install external KUMA services.

If the root user is blocked on the target hosts, specify a user name that has the right to establish SSH connections and elevate privileges by using su or sudo.

To provide the correct installation of the KUMA services, in the all block, set the ansible_user variable to nonroot.

In the kuma block, you must override this variable and set ansible_user to a username of the account that can connect to remote hosts via SSH, to prepare them for the installation of the KUMA services.

  • all
  • kuma


Variable used to indicate the need to increase the privileges of the user account that is used to install KUMA components.

  • false—No services are needed. The default value for the KUMA inventory file template.
  • true—Services must be created.

To provide the correct installation of the KUMA services, in the all block, set the deploy_example_services variable to false.



Variable used to indicate the need to increase the privileges of the user account that is used to install KUMA components.

  • false—If the ansible_user value is root.
  • true—If the ansible_user value is not root.



Method used for increasing the privileges of the user account that is used to install KUMA components.

su or sudo if the ansible_user value is not root.


Variables located in the children section of the kuma block


Group of hosts used for storing the service files and utilities of KUMA.

A host can be included in the kuma_utils group and in the kuma_collector, kuma_correlator, or kuma_storage group at the same time. The kuma_utils group can contain multiple hosts.

During the Kaspersky Next XDR Expert deployment, on the hosts that are included in kuma_utils, the following files are copied to the /opt/kaspersky/kuma/utils/ directory:

  • kuma is an executable file with which the KUMA services are installed.
  • kuma.exe is an executable file with which the KUMA agents are installed on Windows-based hosts.
  • LEGAL_NOTICES is a file with information about third-party code.
  • maxpatrol-tool, kuma-ptvm.tar.gz are utilities for integration with MaxPatrol.
  • ootb-content is an archive with out of the box resources for the KUMA services.

The group of hosts contains the ansible_host variable that specifies the unique host FQDN and IP address.



Group of KUMA collector hosts. This group can contain multiple hosts.

The group of KUMA collector hosts contains the ansible_host variable that specifies the unique host FQDN and IP address.



Group of KUMA correlator hosts. This group can contain multiple hosts.

The group of KUMA correlator hosts contains the ansible_host variable that specifies the unique host FQDN and IP address.



Group of KUMA storage hosts. This group can contain multiple hosts.

The group of KUMA storage hosts contains the ansible_host variable that specifies the unique host FQDN and IP address.


Sample of the KUMA inventory file template for installation of the KUMA services on a single host (the single.inventory.yaml file)

Sample of the KUMA inventory file template for installation of the KUMA services on several hosts (the distributed.inventory.yaml file)

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