Kaspersky Next XDR Expert

Deployment of multiple Kubernetes clusters and Kaspersky Next XDR Expert instances

July 8, 2024

ID 269993

KDT allows you to deploy multiple Kubernetes clusters with Kaspersky Next XDR Expert instances and switch between them by using contexts. Context is a set of access parameters that define the Kubernetes cluster that the user can select to interact with. The context also includes data for connecting to the cluster by using KDT.


Before creating contexts and installing Kubernetes clusters with Kaspersky Next XDR Expert instances, you must do the following:

  1. Prepare the administrator and target hosts.

    For the installation of multiple clusters and Kaspersky Next XDR Expert instances, you need to prepare one administration host for all clusters and separate sets of target hosts for each of the clusters. Kubernetes components should not be installed on the target hosts.

  2. Prepare the hosts for installation of the KUMA services.

    For installation of the KUMA services, you need to prepare separate sets of hosts for each Kaspersky Next XDR Expert instance.

  3. Prepare the KUMA inventory file.

    For installation of the KUMA services, you need to prepare separate inventory files for each Kaspersky Next XDR Expert instance.

  4. Prepare the configuration file.

    For installation of multiple clusters and Kaspersky Next XDR Expert instances, you need to prepare configuration files for each Kaspersky Next XDR Expert instance. In these configuration files, specify the corresponding administration and target hosts, and other parameters specific to a particular cluster and Kaspersky Next XDR Expert instance.


To create a context with the Kubernetes cluster and Kaspersky Next XDR Expert instance:

  1. On the administrator host where the KDT utility is located, run the following command and specify the context name:

    ./kdt ctx <context_name> --create

    The context with the specified name is created.

  2. Install the Kubernetes cluster and Kaspersky Next XDR Expert.

The cluster with the Kaspersky Next XDR Expert instance is deployed in the context. The creation of the context is finished.

You can repeat this procedure to create the required number of contexts with installed clusters and Kaspersky Next XDR Expert instances.

You must deploy the Kubernetes cluster and the Kaspersky Next XDR Expert instance after you create the context to finish the context creation. If you do not perform the deployment in the context, and then create another context, the first context will be removed.

You can view the list of created contexts by using the following command:

./kdt ctx

If you want to switch to the required context, run the following command and specify the context name:

./kdt ctx <context_name>

After you select the context, KDT connects to the corresponding Kubernetes cluster. Now, you can work with this cluster and the Kaspersky Next XDR Expert instance. KDT commands are applied to the selected cluster.

When you remove the Kaspersky Next XDR Expert components installed in the Kubernetes cluster and the cluster itself by using KDT, the corresponding contexts are also removed. Other contexts and their clusters with Kaspersky Next XDR Expert instances are not removed.

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