Compare free and premium versions of the application
The following versions of Kaspersky Safe Kids are available:
- Free version
This version lets you use Kaspersky Safe Kids's basic features for an unlimited period of time. The free version is available as soon as you install the application. You can switch from the free version to the premium version by purchasing the premium version in the online store or on the My Kaspersky portal.
- Premium version
This version lets you use all features of Kaspersky Safe Kids. The premium version is time-limited. When the premium version expires, the application's premium features are disabled and the application switches to the free version. You can continue using the free version of Kaspersky Safe Kids. You must renew the premium version if you wish to continue using the premium features.
Features of Kaspersky Safe Kids
Free version
Premium version
View reports on the amount of time your child spends on the computer
View reports on all websites visited by your child
Set time limits on computer use
Set the weekly computer use schedule
Set time limits on application use
Safe Search for Internet searches by your child
Block specific application categories
Block specific website categories
Block specific applications
Block specific websites
Monitor your child's social networks posts
Your child can request additional time on the computer
Your child can request permission to visit forbidden websites and use forbidden applications