ICAP mode configuration file

The ICAP mode configuration file, kavicapd.xml, consists of several sections that specify settings for the kavicapd service and KAV SDK.

Preparing the ICAP mode configuration file

The Kaspersky Scan Engine distribution kit contains a %distr_kit%/etc/kavicapd.xml configuration file.

After installing Kaspersky Scan Engine, you can copy kavicapd.xml to your preferred location:

Parameters of the ICAP mode configuration file

Following are the sections of the ICAP mode configuration file, kavicapd.xml. An example configuration file is at the end.

Some sections of the configuration file are optional. However, if a section exists in the configuration file, all of its child elements must be present. Elements must not be empty, unless stated otherwise.


The following parameters specify KAV SDK settings.


The following parameters specify Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) settings.

This is an optional section. If this section is absent from the configuration file, KSN is not used.

Note that by using KSN you agree to transfer data described in the About data provision.txt file to Kaspersky Lab. For more information about the procedure of data provisioning, see section "About data provisioning".


The following parameters specify proxy server settings for Kaspersky Scan Engine. Kaspersky Scan Engine uses these settings when it connects to the Internet.

This is an optional section. If this section is absent from the configuration file, Kaspersky Scan Engine does not use a proxy server when connecting to the Internet.


The following parameters specify update settings for Kaspersky Scan Engine.

This is an optional section. If this section is absent from the configuration file, updating is disabled.


The following parameters specify Kaspersky Scan Engine settings.

Structure of the configuration file

Following is an example ICAP mode configuration file.







<ScanTimeout>10000</ScanTimeout> <!-- 0 = unlimited -->




<LicensingMode>1</LicensingMode><!-- 1 = simplified licensing mode; 2 - online licensing mode -->

<DiskUsageLimit>102400</DiskUsageLimit> <!-- 0 = turn zip-bomb protection off -->












<UpdatePeriodMinutes>30</UpdatePeriodMinutes> <!-- 0 = turn update off -->



<!-- <Source></Source> -->




















<ScanMaxFileSize>0</ScanMaxFileSize> <!-- 0 = unlimited -->

<RAMUsageLimit>0</RAMUsageLimit> <!-- 0 = unlimited -->









<TransferBeforeScanEnding Delay="10" ChunkSize="4">0</TransferBeforeScanEnding>




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