Format of CEF logs in HTTP mode

If Kaspersky Scan Engine is configured to write syslog messages in CEF format, the log records about events appears as follows:

CEF:0|Kaspersky Lab|Kaspersky HTTP Service|%VERSION%|%EVENT_CLASS_ID%|%EVENT_NAME%|%SEVERITY%| msg=%EVENT_MSG% src=%CLIENT_IP% dvcpid=%HTTP_SERVICE_PID% sproc=unix_socket dvc=%HTTP_SERVICE_IP% start=%EVENT_TIME% fileHash=%SCANNED_FILE_MD5_HASH% fname=%SCANNED_FILE_NAME% request=%SCANNED_URL% act=%ACTION_MADE% cs1=%SCAN_RESULT% cs1Label=Scan result cs2=%VIRUS_NAME% cs2Label=Virus name\n

A record has the following fields:

Writing syslog messages in CEF format is available starting from Kaspersky Scan Engine version

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