Example of an HTTP request to get the database update status

This request can be made only if the client and Kaspersky Scan Engine are installed and running on the same computer. If you send this request from a different computer, Kaspersky Scan Engine will throw a 405 Method Not Allowed error.

The following example shows an HTTP request to get the database update status:

GET /api/v3.0/update/status HTTP/1.0

The following example shows the corresponding response:

HTTP/1.0 200 OK

Connection: close

Content-Type: text/plain

Server: KAVHTTPD/1.0

X-KAV-ProtocolVersion: 3

Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2019 18:05:44 GMT

Content-Length: 116



"status": "not started",

"last_update_result": "success",

"last_update_time": "21:03:53 30.01.2019"


For a description of all the fields that can be included in the response body, see section "Updating the anti-virus database in HTTP mode", subsection "Getting the database update status".

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