Kaspersky Security Center API description
List of network diapason attributes

List of network diapason attributes is presented below.

"KLDPNS_ID"paramIntDiapason ID.Read-only
"KLDPNS_DN"paramStringDiapason display name. 
"KLDPNS_LF"paramIntIP address validity period in seconds. 
"KLDPNS_ScanEnabled"paramBoolTrue tf diapason may be scanned by scanning IP subnets. 

Array of IP intervals or subnets descriptions.

Each array item contains objects (paramParams) with the following attributes:

  • KLDPNS_IL_ISSUBNET, (paramBool) true if subnet and false if IP interval.
  • KLDPNS_IL_MASKORLOW, (paramInt) subnet mask (if KLDPNS_IL_ISSUBNET is true) or low IP of interval end (if KLDPNS_IL_ISSUBNET is false) in TCP/IP network byte order. Subnet mask must be continuous.
  • KLDPNS_IL_SUBNETORHI, (paramInt) subnet address (if KLDPNS_IL_ISSUBNET is true) or high interval end (if KLDPNS_IL_ISSUBNET is false) in TCP/IP network byte order. Subnet address must correspond subnet mask.