Kaspersky Security Center API description
Task parameters description:
Name | Type | Description | Additional information |
"KLNAG_TSK_VAPM_EXTENDED_DIAG" | paramBool | Enable extended diagnostic trace | |
"KLNAG_TSK_VAPM_EXTENDED_DIAG_DISK_SPACE" | paramInt | Disk space (MB) for extended diagnostic trace | |
"KLSRV_SYSPATCH_ALLOW_MAJOR_UPGRADE" | paramBool | Allow major upgrade (new major version of applications) | |
"KLSRV_SYSPATCH_DONT_INSTALL" | paramBool | Don't install updates, just upload them to the target hosts | |
"KLSRV_SYSPATCH_FILTER" | paramArray|paramParams | Array of filters, mandatory (may be empty), see Filters for task "KLSRV_TSK_SYSPATCH2" | |
"KLSRV_SYSPATCH_INSTALL_PREREQUISITES" | paramBool | Allow prerequisites installation | |
"KLSRV_SYSPATCH_RUN_ON_SHUTDOWN" | paramBool | Run task on shutdown | |
"KLSRV_SYSPATCH_STORE_3P_FOLDER" | paramString | Path on target host to store 3-party updates if KLSRV_SYSPATCH_DONT_INSTALL is true | |
"KLTSK_PRELIMINARY_START_MODE" | paramInt | Preliminary (test) task start mode: 0 = Do not use preliminary start; 1 = Preliminary start on given set of computers; 2 = Preliminary start on given subgroup; 3 = Preliminary start on given percent of random hosts from the task scope. | Optional. By default: 0 |
"KLTSK_PRELIMINARY_START_SUBGROUP" | paramInt | Identity of the preliminary (test) subgroup. | Optional. By default: -1 |
"KLTSK_PRELIMINARY_START_PERCENT" | paramInt | Number of preliminary (test) hosts percent. | Optional. By default: 10 |
"KLTSK_PRELIMINARY_START_DELAY" | paramInt | Delay before continue the task after preliminary (test) start, hours: 1..1000 | Optional. By default: 24 |
Task parameters sample:
+--- (paramParams) ... +---TASK_ADDITIONAL_PARAMS (paramParams) | +---KLNAG_TSK_VAPM_EXTENDED_DIAG = (paramBool)false | +---KLNAG_TSK_VAPM_EXTENDED_DIAG_DISK_SPACE = (paramInt)100 | +---KLSRV_SYSPATCH_ALLOW_MAJOR_UPGRADE = (paramBool)true | +---KLSRV_SYSPATCH_DONT_INSTALL = (paramBool)false | +---KLSRV_SYSPATCH_FILTER (paramArray) | | +---0 (paramParams) | | | +---KLSRV_SYSPATCH_3P_PRODUCTS (paramArray) | | | +---KLSRV_SYSPATCH_3P_VENDORS (paramArray) | | | +---KLSRV_SYSPATCH_3P_VERSIONS (paramArray) | | | +---KLSRV_SYSPATCH_RULE_NAME = (paramString)"New rule" | | | +---SeverityRating = (paramInt)1 | | | +---nApprovementState = (paramInt)0 | | | +---nSource = (paramInt)2 | | +---1 (paramParams) | | +---KLSRV_SYSPATCH_RULE_NAME = (paramString)"New rule" | | +---KLSRV_TSK_WSUS_CATEGORIES (paramArray) | | +---KLSRV_TSK_WSUS_CLASSIFICATIONS (paramArray) | | +---nApprovementState = (paramInt)1 | | +---nSource = (paramInt)1 | +---KLSRV_SYSPATCH_INSTALL_PREREQUISITES = (paramBool)false | +---KLSRV_SYSPATCH_RUN_ON_SHUTDOWN = (paramBool)false | +---KLSRV_SYSPATCH_STORE_3P_FOLDER = (paramString)"%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\KasperskyLab\3pUpdates" ...
See also