Kaspersky Security Center API description
List of attributes of software inventory application


Application string ID.

Unique for all Administration Servers.

"bIsMsi"paramBoolThe attribute accepts true if the application has an MSI installer.
"DisplayName"paramStringDisplay name.
"DisplayVersion"paramStringDisplay version.
"InstallDate"paramStringApplication installation date. Format: YYYYMMDD.
"InstallDir"paramStringApplication installation directory.
"HelpLink"paramStringHelp link.
"HelpTelephone"paramStringHelp telephone.
"ARPRegKey"paramStringSubkey for the application under the registry key for the list of add-remove programs.
"CleanerProductName"paramStringThe attribute is not empty if the application has found an initialization file and it is equal to the product name from this file.
"UninstallString"paramStringCommand-line text to uninstall the application.
"QuietUninstallString"paramStringCommand-line text to run the quiet application uninstallation.