Kaspersky Security Center API description
"Device commands"
Attribute nameData typeDescription
"KLMDM_CMD_GUID"paramStringCommand unique ID.
"KLMDM_CMD_TYPE"paramStringCommand type, such as "Wipe" or "Block".
"KLMDM_CMD_ARG"paramParamsCommand arguments that will be passed directly to the device. It can be NULL for some commands.
The attribute is not supported yet.
Bitmask that indicates which protocols will be used to process the command.
"KLMDM_CMD_PROCESSFLAGS"paramIntCommand process flags that indicate the algorithm of the command processing. Bitmask values:
  • 0x0001: Sequentially - Process commands sequentially, otherwise process command in parallel.
  • 0x0002: ProcessAll - Process commands by all protocol, otherwise by only one.
  • 0x0004: RecallOnFailure - Try to recall command on failure.
"KLMDM_CMD_STATUS"paramIntCommand processing state. Enum values:
  • 1: Processing
  • 2: Completed
  • 3: Failed
  • 4: Removing
  • 5: Removed
  • 6: RemoveFailed
"KLMDM_CMD_RESULT_INFO"paramStringAdditional information about a completed or failed command.
"KLMDM_CMD_RESULT_DATA"paramParamsResult of the completed command.