Kaspersky Security Center API description
List of report attributes

List of report attributes is presented below.

"RPT_ID"paramIntReport ID.
"RPT_DN"paramStringReport display name.
"RPT_TYPE"paramIntReport type ID. See List of report types.
"RPT_CREATED"paramDateTimeReport creation time.
"RPT_MODIFIED"paramDateTimeLast modification time.
"RPT_GROUP_ID"paramIntGroup ID.
"RPT_EXTRA_DATA"paramParamsReport template extra parameters. See List of extra report parameters.
"RPT_FIELDS"paramArrayNames of report details fields.
"RPT_ORDER"paramArrayArray of containers each of them containing two attributes:
  • "Name" (paramString) Name of attribute used for sorting.
  • "Asc" (paramBool) Ascending if true; otherwise, descending.
"RPT_SUMM_FIELDS"paramArrayNames of summary report fields.
"RPT_SUMM_ORDER"paramArrayArray of containers each of them containing two attributes:
  • "Name" (paramString) name of attribute used for sorting.
  • "Asc" (paramBool) ascending if true descending otherwise
"RPT_TOTALS"paramArrayNames of total report fields.
"RPT_TIME_INTERVAL_TYPE"paramIntReport time interval type:
  • 0 - From starting date to ending (attributes RPT_START_TIME and RPT_END_TIME are present and not 0).
  • 1 - From starting date to the report creation date (attribute RPT_START_TIME is present and not 0).
  • 2 - Specified number of days before the report creation date (attribute RPT_DAYS_BEFORE_CREATION is present and not 0).
"RPT_START_TIME"paramDateTimeReport start time.
"RPT_END_TIME"paramDateTimeReport end time.
"RPT_DAYS_BEFORE_CREATION"paramIntNumber of days before the report creation date.
"RPT_MAX_RECORDS"paramIntMaximum number or records in details.
"RPT_HOSTS"paramArrayArray of host names. See KLHST_WKS_HOSTNAME attribute.