KLRPT_DSH_TYPE | Type | Meaning | Computer scope support | Time period support | Input parameters | Output data placement | Output parameters |
1 | Histogram | Distribution of the event in time. | Yes | Yes |
| DSHT_DATA entries |
- "tmStart" (paramDateTime) - Beginning of the time interval.
- "tmFinish" (paramDateTime) - End of the time interval.
- "nCount" (paramInt) - Number of events published during the interval.
2 | Histogram | Distribution of virus activity in time. | Yes | Yes |
- "bUseEvents" (paramBool) - Use "GNRL_EV_VIRUS_FOUND" events instead of using virus activity report. Default and recommended value is false.
| DSHT_DATA entries |
- "tmStart" (paramDateTime) - beginning of the time interval,
- "tmFinish" (paramDateTime) - End of the time interval.
- "nCount" (paramInt) - Number of threat detections during the interval.
3 | Histogram | Distribution of virus activity on corresponding products in time. | Yes | Yes |
- "bUseEvents" (paramBool) - Use "GNRL_EV_VIRUS_FOUND" events instead of using virus activity report. Default and recommended value is false.
| DSHT_DATA entries |
4 | Histogram | Distribution of network attacks in time. | Yes | Yes | | DSHT_DATA entries |
- "tmStart" (paramDateTime) - Beginning of the time interval.
- "tmFinish" (paramDateTime) - End of the time interval.
- "nCount" (paramInt) - Number of network attack detections during the interval.
5 | Histogram | Distribution of new hosts found in time. | No | Yes | | DSHT_DATA entries |
- "tmStart" (paramDateTime) - Beginning of the time interval.
- "tmFinish" (paramDateTime) - End of the time interval.
- "nCount" (paramInt) - Number of new hosts found during the interval.
6 | Histogram | Distribution of states of the specified group task in time. | No | Yes |
- "KLTSK_GRP_TSK_ID" (paramString) - ID of the group task.
| DSHT_DATA entries |
7 | Histogram | Distribution of number of records in the anti-virus bases on AK server in time. | No | Yes | | DSHT_DATA entries |
- "tmStart" (paramDateTime) - Beginning of the time interval.
- "tmFinish" (paramDateTime) - End of the time interval.
- "nCount64" (paramLong) - Number of records in the AV bases on Administration Server by the end of the interval.
8 | Histogram | Distribution of anti-virus protection states in time. | No | Yes | | DSHT_DATA entries |
- "tmStart" (paramDateTime) - Beginning of the time interval.
- "tmFinish" (paramDateTime) - End of the time interval.
- "nCrtCount" (paramInt) - Number of hosts with the Critical protection status.
- "nWrnCount" (paramInt) - Number of hosts with the Warning protection status.
- "nOkCount" (paramInt) - Number of hosts with the OK protection status.
9 | Histogram | Distribution of number of suspicious objects in time. | Yes | Yes | | DSHT_DATA entries |
- "tmStart" (paramDateTime) - Beginning of the time interval.
- "tmFinish" (paramDateTime) - End of the time interval.
- "nCount" (paramInt) - Number of suspicious objects detected during the time interval.
10 | Histogram | Distribution of number of objects added into quarantine in time. | Yes | Yes | | DSHT_DATA entries |
- "tmStart" (paramDateTime) - Beginning of the time interval.
- "tmFinish" (paramDateTime) - End of the time interval.
- "nCount" (paramInt) - Number of objects added into quarantine during the time interval.
11 | Diagram | Viruses and curing result. | Yes | Yes | | DSHT_DATA entries |
12 | Diagram | Viruses and products. | Yes | Yes | | DSHT_DATA entries |
13 | Diagram | Curing result and products. | Yes | Yes | | DSHT_DATA entries |
14 | Diagram | Most infected computers. | Yes | Yes | | DSHT_DATA entries |
15 | Diagram | Most infecting users. | Yes | Yes | | DSHT_DATA entries |
16 | Diagram | Most infected groups. | Yes | Yes | | DSHT_DATA entries |
- "nId" (paramInt) - Administration group ID.
- "wstrName" (paramString) - Administration group name.
- "nCount" (paramInt) - Number of detects.
17 | Diagram | Most infected domains. | Yes | Yes | | DSHT_DATA entries |
18 | Diagram | Most widespread viruses. | Yes | Yes | | DSHT_DATA entries |
19 | Diagram | Most widespread uncured viruses. | Yes | Yes | | DSHT_DATA entries |
20 | Diagram | Current state of the most anti-virus protection (number of hosts with the status Critical, Warning, and OK). | Yes | No | | Root |
- "nCrtCount" (paramInt) - Number of hosts with the Critical protection status.
- "nWrnCount" (paramInt) - Number of hosts with the Warning protection status.
- "nOkCount" (paramInt) - Number of hosts with the OK protection status.
21 | Diagram | Distribution of installed protection (anti-virus) products versions by versions. | Yes | No |
| DSHT_DATA entries |
22 | Diagram | Distribution of anti-virus bases versions on hosts (5 counters: actual, 1 day old, 3-days old, 7-days old, and more than 7 days old). | Yes | No | | Root |
- "nCountActual" (paramInt) - Number of installed products with actual bases (same as on Administration Server or newer).
- "nCountDay" (paramInt) - Number of installed products with obsolete bases released last 24 hours.
- "nCount3Days" (paramInt) - Number of installed products with obsolete bases released last 3 days.
- "nCount7Days" (paramInt) - Number of installed products with obsolete bases released last 7 days.
- "nCountOld" (paramInt) - Number of installed products with obsolete bases released more than 7 days ago.
23 | Diagram | Distribution of errors. | Yes | Yes | | DSHT_DATA entries |
24 | Diagram | Distribution of RTP current state. | Yes | No | | DSHT_DATA entries |
25 | Diagram | Distribution of network attack types. | Yes | Yes | | DSHT_DATA entries |
26 | Diagram | License usage. | Yes | No | | DSHT_DATA entries |
27 | Diagram | Current state of AK server update task. | No | No | | Root |
28 | Diagram | Current state of AK server backup task. | No | No | | Root |
29 | Diagram | State of secondary servers (number of secondary servers connected, disconnected 10 minutes ago or fewer, hour ago, more than hour ago, or never connected). | No | No | | Root |
- "nOkCount" (paramInt) - Number of online secondary servers (with active connection).
- "nCountMinutesAgo" (paramInt) - Number of secondary servers last connected a minute ago.
- "nCountHourAgo" (paramInt) - Number of secondary servers last connected an hour ago.
- "nCount24hAgo" (paramInt) - Number of secondary servers last connected 24 hours ago.
- "nCountLongAgo" (paramInt) - Number of secondary servers last connected more than 24 hours ago.
- "nNeverConnected" (paramInt) - Number of never connected secondary servers.
30 | Diagram | State of the primary server connection. | No | No | | Root |
- "nType" (paramInt) - 0 never connected, 1 - online (connected), 2 - disconnected.
- "tmLastConnectionTime" (paramDateTime) - Last successful connection time.
31 | Diagram | State of the anti-viral protection deployment (number of hosts with Network Agent and anti-virus, Network Agent only, or nothing). | Yes | No | | Root |
- "nOkCount" (paramInt) - Number of hosts waving both Network Agent and RTP-product installed.
- "nWrnCount" (paramInt) - Number of hosts waving just Network Agent installed.
- "nCrtCount" (paramInt) - Number of hosts without Network Agent installed.
32 | Histogram | Network traffic history. | No | Yes |
- "KLDSH_DIR_MASK" (paramInt) - Traffic type bitmask. Bit 0 means incoming traffic, bit 1 means outgoing traffic.
| DSHT_DATA entries |
33 | Histogram | Network traffic history with maximum, average and latest values. | No | Yes |
- "KLDSH_DIR_MASK" (paramInt) - Traffic type bitmask. Bit 0 means incoming traffic. Bit 1 means outgoing traffic.
| DSHT_DATA entries |
- "tmStart" (paramDateTime) - Beginning of the time interval.
- "tmFinish" (paramDateTime) - End of the time interval. nMax, nMean, nCount
34 | Histogram | Connections history. | No | Yes | | DSHT_DATA entries |
35 | Histogram | Connections history with maximum, average and latest values. | No | Yes | | DSHT_DATA entries |
- "tmStart" (paramDateTime) - Beginning of the time interval.
- "tmFinish" (paramDateTime) - End of the time interval.
- "nMax" (paramInt) - Maximal number of existing connections during the interval.
- "nMean" (paramInt) - Mean number of existing connections during the interval.
- "nCount" (paramInt) - Number of existing connections by the end of the interval.
36 | Histogram | Active connections history. | No | Yes | | DSHT_DATA entries |
- "tmStart" (paramDateTime) - Beginning of the time interval.
- "tmFinish" (paramDateTime) - End of the time interval.
- "nMax" (paramInt) - Maximal number of new connections during the interval.
- "nMean" (paramInt) - Mean number of new connections during the interval.
- "nCount" (paramInt) - Number of new connections by the end of the interval.
37 | Diagram | Statistics of distribution points connected during the latest half an hour, hour, 24 hours, or more than 24 hours. | No | No | | Root |
- "nOkCount" (paramInt) - Number of distribution points connected during the latest half an hour, hour, 24 hours, or more than 24 hours.
- "nCountHourAgo" (paramInt) - Number of distribution points connected during the latest half an hour, hour, 24 hours, or more than 24 hours.
- "nCount24hAgo" (paramInt) - Number of distribution points connected during the latest half an hour, hour, 24 hours, or more than 24 hours.
- "nCountLongAgo" (paramInt) - Number of distribution points connected during the latest half an hour, hour, 24 hours, or more than 24 hours.
38 | Diagram | Most infected virtual servers. | Yes | Yes | | DSHT_DATA entries |
- "KLVSRV_ID" (paramInt) - Virtual server ID. 0 means "Main server".
- "wstrName" (paramString) - Virtual server name.
- "nCount" (paramInt) - Number of virtual servers.
39 | Diagram | Distribution of hosts with the specified status on virtual servers. | No | No |
- "nType" (paramInt) - Traffic type bitmask. Bit 0 means status critical, bit 1 means status warning, bit 2 means the OK status.
| DSHT_DATA entries |
- "KLVSRV_ID" (paramInt) - Virtual server ID. 0 means "Main server".
- "wstrName" (paramString) - Virtual server name.
- "nCount" (paramInt) - Number of hosts with the given hosts statuses.
40 | Diagram | Distribution of hosts with different vulnerability status (critical, high, warning, none). | Yes | No |
- "bIgnoreVulnerabilitiesWithNoFixes" (paramBool) - Ignore vulnerabilities that cannot be fixed by a patch installation. Default is true.
| DSHT_DATA entries |
- "nCrtCount" (paramInt) - Number of critically-vulnerable hosts.
- "nHiCount" (paramInt) - Number of high-vulnerable hosts.
- "nWrnCount" (paramInt) - Number of warning vulnerable hosts.
- "nOkCount" (paramInt) - Number of non-vulnerable hosts.
41 | Diagram | Distribution of last WUA search times. | Yes | No | | DSHT_DATA entries |
- "nLimit" (paramInt) - maximal number of days within which WUA search performed, 0 means "any";
- "nLimit2" (paramInt) - minimal number of days within which WUA search performed, 0 means "any";
- "nCount" (paramInt) - number of hosts having ran WUA from nLimit days ago to "nLimit2" days ago, nLimit < "nLimit2";
42 | Diagram | Distribution of the most frequently denied files. Contains the top frequently denied files. If the number of files exceeds a limit, the data of other files is aggregated into an additional single entry. | Yes | Yes | | DSHT_DATA entries |
- "wstrName" (paramString) - Denied file name. Absent in the extra aggregating entry.
- "nCount" (paramInt) - Number of denied launches.
- "nFileId" (paramLong) - File identity in the KSC database. 0 for additional aggregated entry.
43 | Diagram | Hosts encryption statistics | Yes | No | | DSHT_DATA entries |
44 | Diagram | Removable storages encryption statistics. | Yes | No | | DSHT_DATA entries |
45 | Diagram | Updates count by installation state for the given period of time. | Yes | Yes | | DSHT_DATA entries |
46 | Diagram | Updates count by installation state and classification for the given period of time. | Yes | Yes |
- "arrUpdInstallationStates" (paramArray) of (paramInt) - Array of interesting installation statuses (KLVAPM::UpdateInstallationState).
| DSHT_DATA entries |
47 | Diagram | Installed (or failed) updates count by installation result and classification for the given period of time. | Yes | Yes | | DSHT_DATA entries |
48 | Histogram | Events distribution (by condition) | Yes | Yes |
| DSHT_DATA entries |
49 | Histogram | Amounts of hosts that have a different maximum vulnerability severity (critical, high, warning, none) during some time intervals. | Yes | Yes |
- "bIgnoreVulnerabilitiesWithNoFixes" (paramBool) - Ignore vulnerabilities that cannot be fixed by a patch installation. Default is true.
- "bIgnoreVulnerabilitiesFixedByTheEndOfInterval" (paramBool) - Ignore vulnerabilities that were fixed by the end of the time interval. Default is true.
| DSHT_DATA entries |
- "tmStart" (paramDateTime) - Time of the interval start.
- "tmFinish" (paramDateTime) - Time of the interval end.
- "nCrtCount" (paramInt) - Number of critically vulnerable hosts.
- "nHiCount" (paramInt) - Number of highly vulnerable hosts.
- "nWrnCount" (paramInt) - Number of warning vulnerable hosts.
50 | Histogram | Amounts of vulnerability instances with different maximum vulnerability severity (critical, high, warning, none) during some time intervals. | Yes | Yes |
- "bIgnoreVulnerabilitiesWithNoFixes" (paramBool) - Ignore vulnerabilities that cannot be fixed by a patch installation. Default is true.
- "bIgnoreVulnerabilitiesFixedByTheEndOfInterval" (paramBool) - Ignore vulnerabilities that were fixed by the end of the time interval. Default is true.
| DSHT_DATA entries |
- "tmStart" (paramDateTime) - Time of the interval start.
- "tmFinish" (paramDateTime) - Time of the interval end.
- "nCrtCount" (paramInt) - Number of critical vulnerabilities.
- "nHiCount" (paramInt) - Number of high-level vulnerabilities.
- "nWrnCount" (paramInt) - Number of warning-level vulnerabilities.
51 | Histogram | Antispam product component statuses distribution on hosts. | Yes | No | | DSHT_DATA entries |
52 | Histogram | DLP product component statuses distribution on hosts. | Yes | No | | DSHT_DATA entries |
53 | Histogram | Collaboration servers protection status. | Yes | No | | DSHT_DATA entries |
54 | Histogram | E-mail anti-virus product component statuses distribution on hosts. | Yes | No | | DSHT_DATA entries |
55 | Histogram | EDR product component statuses distribution on hosts. | Yes | No | | DSHT_DATA entries |
56 | Diagram | Threat detection by product component. | Yes | Yes | | DSHT_DATA entries |
57 | Diagram | Product component detections by curing results. | Yes | Yes |
| DSHT_DATA entries |
58 | Diagram | Top 10 most frequent events in the KSC database. | No | No | | DSHT_DATA entries |
- "wstrName" (paramString) - Event type.
- "strEvAlias" (paramString) - Event type display name.
- "nCount" (paramInt) - Absolute number of specified events in the KSC database.
- "nMax" (paramInt) - Maximum number of events supported by the KSC database.
59 | Histogram | Top 10 most used categories of the cloud services (enabled for KES Cloud mode only). | Yes | Yes | | DSHT_DATA entries |
- "wstrCategoryName" (paramString) - Category of the cloud services.
- "nCount" (paramInt) - Number of requests to all the cloud services of the category.
60 | Diagram | Top 10 most used cloud services of category (enabled for KES Cloud mode only). | Yes | Yes |
- "wstrCategoryName" (paramString) - Category of the cloud services.
| DSHT_DATA entries |
- "wstrServiceName" (paramString) - Cloud service of the category.
- "nCount" (paramInt) - Number of requests to all the cloud services of the category.
61 | Diagram | Top 10 devices that requested the particular cloud service (enabled for KES Cloud mode only). | Yes | Yes |
- "wstrCategoryName" (paramString) - Category of the cloud services.
- "wstrServiceName" (paramString) - Cloud service of the category.
| DSHT_DATA entries |
- "wstrName" (paramString) - Device name that requested the cloud service.
- "nCount" (paramInt) - Number of requests to the cloud service.
62 | Diagram | Top 10 amount of requests to the cloud service from a device (enabled for KES Cloud mode only) | Yes | Yes | | DSHT_DATA entries |
- "wstrName" (paramString) - Device name that requested the cloud service.
- "nCount" (paramInt) - Number of requests to the cloud service.
63 | Diagram | Statistics of detected threats by presence of an incident card (killchain) | Yes | Yes | | Root |
- "nOkCount" (paramInt) - Number of detected threats with incident cards.
- "nCountOld" (paramInt) - Number of detected threats without incident card.