Kaspersky Security Center API description
Additional dashboard attributes

Full list of dashboard output attributes is listed below. Certain dashboard types support some of them. See List of statistics dashboards types and attributes.

tmFinishparamDateTimeEnd of time interval.
tmStartparamDateTimeBeginning of time interval.
task_new_stateparamIntState of the task on the host.
nCountparamIntObject count.
nCount64paramLongObject count (64-bit).
nCrtCountparamIntNumber of objects with the status Critical.
nHiCountparamIntNumber of objects with the status High.
nWrnCountparamIntNumber of objects with the status Warning.
nOkCountparamIntNumber of objects with the status OK.
nMaxparamIntMaximum value.
nMeanparamIntAverage value.
nAvpPrdTypeparamIntProduct type. See Types of security (anti-virus) products.
nVirTypeparamIntDetection type. See Threat types enum.
nVirRsltparamIntCuring result. See Threat curing result enum.
wstrNameparamStringName (of the host, account, etc.).
nTypeparamIntState or type (protection, network attack, etc.).
nType2paramIntExtra state or type.
nLimit2paramIntExtra limitation.
nCountActualparamIntNumber of objects in actual state.
nCountDayparamIntNumber of objects in actual state for a day.
nCount3DaysparamIntNumber of objects in actual state for 3 days.
nCount7DaysparamIntNumber of objects in actual state for 7 days.
nCountOldparamIntNumber of old objects.
nCountMinutesAgoparamIntNumber of hosts connected to the server for a given number of minutes ago.
nCountHourAgoparamIntNumber of hosts connected to the server for the hour.
nCount24hAgoparamIntNumber of hosts connected to the server for the 24 hours.
nCountLongAgoparamIntNumber of hosts connected to the server for more than 24 hours.
nNeverConnectedparamIntNumber of hosts that have never connected to the server.
tmLastConnectionTimeparamDateTimeTime of the latest connection.
nLastRtpStateparamIntReal-time protection state.
KLVSRV_IDparamIntVirtual server ID. 0 means "Main server".