Kaspersky Security Center 14.2 Windows

Switching managed devices to be under management of Kaspersky Security Center Linux

After a successful import of information about managed devices, objects, and their settings to Kaspersky Security Center Linux, you need to switch the managed devices to be under management of Kaspersky Security Center Linux to complete the migration.

You can move the managed devices to be under Kaspersky Security Center Linux by one of the following methods:

To switch managed devices to be under management of Kaspersky Security Center Linux by installing Network Agent:

  1. Remove Network Agent on the imported managed devices that will be switched under management of Kaspersky Security Center Linux.
  2. Switch to Administration Server of Kaspersky Security Center Windows.
  3. Go to Discovery & deploymentDeployment & assignmentInstallation packages, and then open the properties of an existing installation package of Network Agent.

    If the installation package of Network Agent is absent in the package list, download a new one.

    You can also create and use a stand-alone installation package to install Network Agent locally.

  4. On the Settings tab, select the Connection section. Specify the connection settings of Administration Server of Kaspersky Security Center Linux.
  5. Create a remote installation task for imported managed devices, and then specify the reconfigured Network Agent installation package.

    You can install Network Agent through Administration Server of Kaspersky Security Center Windows or through a Windows-based device that acts as a distribution point. If you use Administration Server, enable the Using operating system resources through Administration Server option. If you use a distribution point, enable the Using operating system resources through distribution points option.

  6. Run the remote installation task.

After the remote installation task finishes successfully, go to Administration Server of Kaspersky Security Center Linux and ensure that managed devices are visible in the network, and that Network Agent is installed and running on them (the Yes value in the Visible, Network Agent is installed, and Network Agent is running columns).