In the console tree, select the Kaspersky Licenses folder.
In the workspace of the list of license keys, click the Automatically distribute license key to managed devices button.
The Application Activation task creation wizard starts. Proceed through the wizard by using the Next button.
In the list of applications, select the application for which you want to create a task.
At the Add key step of the wizard, add the license key by using one of the following options:
Select the Activation code option to add an activation code from the Kaspersky Security Center repository.
Click Select. In the window that opens, select the activation code, and then click OK.
Select the Key file or key option, and then do the following:
Click Select.
In the context menu, select one of the options:
Key file from folder.
In the window that opens, select the key file from your device, and then click Open.
Key from the Kaspersky Security Center repository.
In the window that opens, select the key from the Kaspersky Security Center repository, and then click OK.
If you want to replace the current active license key, clear the default Use as a reserve key check box.
For example, this is needed when the organization changes, and another organization's key is required on the device; or if the key was reissued, and a new license expires earlier than the current license. To avoid errors, you have to clear the Use as a reserve key check box.
If you want to find out more information about the issues that may occur when adding a license key to Kaspersky Security Center Windows and the ways to resolve them, refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Knowledge Base.
Check the license key information, and then click Next.
At this step of the wizard, select the devices to which you want to assign the add key task. You can specify devices (up to 1000 devices) in one of the following ways:
Select networked devices detected by Administration Server. In this case, the task is assigned to specific devices. The specific devices can include devices in administration groups as well as unassigned devices.
Specify device addresses manually or import addresses from a list. You can specify NetBIOS names, DNS names, IP addresses, and IP subnets of devices to which you want to assign the task.
Assign task to a device selection. In this case, the task is assigned to devices included in a selection created earlier. You can specify the predefined selection or a custom one that you created.
Assign task to an administration group. In this case, the task is assigned to devices included in the administration group created earlier.
At the Configure task schedule step of the wizard, create a schedule for task start:
The task runs after updates are downloaded to the repository. For example, you may want to use this schedule for the find vulnerabilities and required updates task.
The task runs after a Virus outbreak event occurs. Select application types that will monitor virus outbreaks. The following application types are available:
Anti-virus for workstations and file servers
Anti-virus for perimeter defense
Anti-virus for mail systems
By default, all application types are selected.
You may want to run different tasks depending on the security application type that reports a virus outbreak. In this case, remove the selection of the application types that you do not need.
The current task starts after another task completes. You can select how the previous task must complete (successfully or with error) to trigger the start of the current task. For example, you may want to run the Manage devices task with the Turn on the device option and, after it completes, run the Virus scan task. This parameter only works if both tasks are assigned to the same devices.
This option determines the behavior of a task if a client device is not visible on the network when the task is about to start.
If this option is enabled, the system attempts to start the task the next time the Kaspersky application is run on the client device. If the task schedule is Manually, Once or Immediately, the task is started immediately after the device becomes visible on the network or immediately after the device is included in the task scope.
If this option is disabled, only scheduled tasks run on client devices. For Manually, Once and Immediately schedule, tasks run only on those client devices that are visible on the network. For example, you may want to disable this option for a resource-consuming task that you want to run only outside of business hours.
If this option is enabled, the task is started on client devices randomly within a specified time interval, that is, distributed task start. A distributed task start helps to avoid a large number of simultaneous requests by client devices to the Administration Server when a scheduled task is running.
The distributed start time is calculated automatically when a task is created, depending on the number of client devices to which the task is assigned. Later, the task is always started on the calculated start time. However, when task settings are edited or the task is started manually, the calculated value of the task start time changes.
If this option is disabled, the task starts on client devices according to the schedule.
If this option is enabled, the task is started on client devices randomly within the specified time interval. A distributed task start helps to avoid a large number of simultaneous requests by client devices to the Administration Server when a scheduled task is running.
If this option is disabled, the task starts on client devices according to the schedule.
By default, this option is disabled. The default time interval is one minute.
At the Define the task name step of the wizard, specify the name for the task. A task name cannot be more than 100 characters long and cannot include any special characters ("*<>?\:|).
On the Finish task creation step of the wizard, click the Finish button to close the wizard.
If you want the task to start as soon as the wizard finishes, select the Run the task after the wizard finishes check box.
Tasks created through the Application Activation task creation wizard are tasks for specific devices stored in the Tasks folder of the console tree.
You can also create a group or local license key distribution task through the task creation wizard for an administration group and for a client device.