Kaspersky Security Center

Reissuing the certificate for Kaspersky Security Center Web Console

September 2, 2024

ID 203355

Most browsers impose a limit on the validity term of a certificate. To fall within this limit, the validity term of the Kaspersky Security Center Web Console certificate is limited to 397 days. You can replace an existing certificate received from a certification authority (CA) by issuing a new self-signed certificate manually. Alternatively, you can reissue your expired Kaspersky Security Center Web Console certificate.

Automatically reissuing the certificate for Kaspersky Security Center Web Console is not supported. You have to manually reissue the expired certificate.

When you open the Kaspersky Security Center Web Console, the browser may inform you that the connection to the Kaspersky Security Center Web Console is not private and the Kaspersky Security Center Web Console certificate is invalid. This warning appears because the Web Console certificate is self-signed and automatically generated by Kaspersky Security Center Linux. To remove or prevent this warning, you can do one of the following:

  • Specify a custom certificate when you reissue it (recommended option). Create a certificate that is trusted in your infrastructure and that meets the requirements for custom certificates.
  • Add the Kaspersky Security Center Web Console certificate to the list of trusted browser certificates after you reissue the certificate. We recommend that you use this option only if you cannot create a custom certificate.

To reissue the expired Kaspersky Security Center Web Console certificate:

Reinstall Kaspersky Security Center Web Console by performing one of the following:

The Kaspersky Security Center Web Console certificate is reissued for another validity term of 397 days.

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