Kaspersky Security Center

Adding rules for update installation

September 2, 2024

ID 182798

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This feature is only available under the Vulnerability and patch management license.

When installing software updates or fixing software vulnerabilities by using the Install required updates and fix vulnerabilities task, you must specify rules for the update installation. These rules determine the updates to install and the vulnerabilities to fix.

The exact settings depend on whether you add a rule for all updates, for updates from Windows Update, or for updates of third-party applications (applications made by software vendors other than Kaspersky and Microsoft). When adding a rule for updates from Windows Update or updates of third-party applications, you can select specific applications and application versions for which you want to install updates. When adding a rule for all updates, you can select the specific updates you want to install and the vulnerabilities you want to fix by installing updates.

You can add a rule for update installation in the following ways:

Adding rules for all updates

To add a new rule for all updates:

  1. Click the Add button.

    The Rule creation wizard starts. Proceed through the wizard by using the Next button.

  2. At the Select rule type step of the wizard, select Rule for all updates.
  3. At the General criteria step of the wizard, specify the following settings:
    • Set of updates to be installed
    • Fix vulnerabilities with a severity level equal to or higher than

    Go to the next step of the wizard.

  4. Select the updates to be installed:
    • Install all suitable updates
    • Install only updates from the list
      • Automatically install all previous application updates that are required to install the selected updates

    Go to the next step of the wizard.

  5. Select the vulnerabilities that will be fixed by installing the selected updates:
    • Fix all vulnerabilities that match other criteria
    • Fix only vulnerabilities from the list

    Go to the next step of the wizard.

  6. Specify the name of the rule that you are adding. You can later change this name on the Application settings tab in the task properties window of the created task.

The new rule is created, configured, and displayed in the table of rules of the New task wizard.

Adding rules for updates from Windows Update

To add a new rule for updates from Windows Update:

  1. Click the Add button.

    The Rule creation wizard starts. Proceed through the wizard by using the Next button.

  2. Select Rule for Windows Update.

    Go to the next step of the wizard.

  3. At the General criteria step of the wizard, specify the following settings:
    • Set of updates to install
    • Fix vulnerabilities with a severity level equal to or higher than
    • Fix vulnerabilities with an MSRC severity level equal to or higher than
  4. On the Applications page, select the applications and application versions for which you want to install updates. By default, all applications are selected.
  5. On the Categories of updates page, select the categories of updates to be installed. These categories are the same as in Microsoft Update Catalog. By default, all categories are selected.
  6. On the Name page, specify the name for the rule that you are adding. You can later change this name in the Settings section of the properties window of the created task.

After the Rule creation wizard completes its operation, the new rule is added and displayed in the rule list in the New task wizard or in the task properties.

Adding rules for updates of third-party applications

To add a new rule for updates of third-party applications:

  1. Click the Add button.

    The Rule creation wizard starts. Proceed through the wizard by using the Next button.

  2. At the Select rule type step of the wizard, select Rule for third-party updates.
  3. At the General criteria step of the wizard, specify the following settings:
    • Set of updates to install
    • Fix vulnerabilities with a severity level equal to or higher than

    Go to the next step of the wizard.

  4. Select the applications and application versions for which you want to install updates.

    By default, all applications are selected.

    Go to the next step of the wizard.

  5. Specify the name of the rule that you are adding. You can later change this name on the Application settings tab in the task properties window of the created task.

The new rule is created, configured, and displayed in the table of rules of the New task wizard.

See also:

Scenario: Updating third-party software

Scenario: Finding and fixing third-party software vulnerabilities

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