Kaspersky Security Center

Changing account password

September 2, 2024

ID 275020

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You can change the local account password, for example, when the user forgets the local account password or to perform a scheduled password change.

The password change will apply even if the user has not signed in to the account. You can also change the password for the local root account.

This task may be performed only on Linux devices.

To change the local account password on specific devices:

  1. In the main menu, go to Assets (Devices)Tasks.
  2. Click Add.

    The New task wizard starts.

  3. In the Task type field, select Change account password (Linux only).
  4. Select one of the following options:
    • Assign task to an administration group
    • Specify device addresses manually or import addresses from a list
    • Assign task to a device selection

    The Change account password (Linux only) task is created for the specified devices. If you selected the Assign task to an administration group option, the task is a group one.

  5. At the Task scope step, specify an administration group, devices with specific addresses, or a device selection.

    The available settings depend on the option selected at the previous step.

  6. At the Enter account name and new password step, specify the following settings:
    • In the Account name field, specify the name of the account for which you want to change the password.
    • In the New password field, specify the password, that will be set for the account specified in the previous field.

      To see the characters that you entered, click and hold the Show button.

    • If necessary, select the Set as a one-time password (the user must change the password after the first login) check box.
  7. At the Finish task creation step, click the Finish button to create the task and close the wizard.

    If you enabled the Open task details when creation is complete option, the task settings window opens. In this window, you can check the task parameters, modify them, or configure a task start schedule, if necessary.

  8. In the task list, select the task you created, and then click Start.

    Alternatively, wait for the task to launch according to the schedule that you specified in the task settings.

When the change account password task completes, the password is changed for the specified local account on the specified devices.

To ensure correct operation of the change account password tasks, SELinux must be disabled on the user device.

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