Kaspersky Security Center

Kaspersky Security Center Web Console interface

September 2, 2024

ID 247197

Kaspersky Security Center Linux is managed through the Kaspersky Security Center Web Console interface.

The Kaspersky Security Center Web Console window contains the following items:

  • Main menu in the left part of the window
  • Work area in the right part of the window

Main menu

The main menu contains the following sections:

  • Administration Server. Displays the name of the Administration Server that you are currently connected to. Click the settings icon () to open the Administration Server properties.
  • Monitoring & Reporting. Provides an overview of your infrastructure, protection statuses, and statistics.
  • Assets (Devices). Contains tools for assets, as well as tasks and Kaspersky application policies.
  • Users & Roles. Allows you to manage users and roles, configure user rights by assigning roles to the users, and associate policy profiles with roles.
  • Operations. Contains a variety of operations, including application licensing, viewing and managing encrypted drives and encryption events, and third-party application management. This also provides you access to application repositories.
  • Discovery & Deployment. Allows you to poll the network to discover client devices, and distribute the devices to administration groups manually or automatically. This section also contains the quick start wizard and Protection deployment wizard.
  • Marketplace. Contains information about the entire range of Kaspersky business solutions and allows you to select the ones you need, and then proceed to purchase those solutions at the Kaspersky website.
  • Settings. Allows you to back up the current state of a web plug-in to be able to restore the saved state later. Contains your personal settings related to the interface appearance, such as interface language or theme.
  • Your account menu. Contains a link to Kaspersky Security Center Linux Help. It also allows you to sign out of Kaspersky Security Center Linux, and view the Kaspersky Security Center Web Console version and the list of installed management web plug-ins.

Work area

The work area displays the information you choose to view in the sections of the Kaspersky Security Center Web Console interface window. It also contains control elements that you can use to configure how the information is displayed.

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