Kaspersky Security Center

Settings of the Install required updates and fix vulnerabilities task specified after task creation

September 2, 2024

ID 172841

After the creation of the Install required updates and fix vulnerabilities task, you can specify the following settings on the Application settings tab of the task properties window:

  • In the Test installation section:
    • Do not scan. Select this option if you do not want to perform a test installation of updates.
    • Run scan on selected devices. Select this option if you want to test the updates installation on selected devices. Click the Add button, and then select the devices on which you need to perform a test installation of updates.
    • Run scan on devices in the specified group. Select this option if you want to test the updates installation on a group of devices. In the Specify a test group field, specify a group of devices on which you want to perform a test installation.
    • Run scan on specified percentage of devices. Select this option if you want to test the updates installation on a percentage of devices. In the Percentage of test devices out of all target devices field, specify the percentage of devices on which you want to perform a test installation of updates.

    Upon selecting any option other than Do not scan, in the Amount of time to make the decision if the installation is to be continued, in hours field, specify the number of hours that must elapse from the test installation of updates until the start of installation of the updates on all devices.

  • In the Updates to install section, you can view the list of updates that the task installs. Only updates that match the applied task settings are shown.

For a full description of task settings, refer to the general task settings.

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