Kaspersky Security Center

Known issues

September 2, 2024

ID 211205

Kaspersky Security Center Linux has the following limitations, which are not critical to operation of the application:

  • Clicking a cluster name in the Clusters and server arrays list (Assets (Devices)Managed devicesClusters and server arrays) does not open the cluster properties window.
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows policy displays a protection level that does not match the protection level displayed in Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows.
  • In a three-level Server hierarchy, if you open the third-level Server and change its primary Server from the second-level Server to the first-level Server, Kaspersky Security Center Linux still displays the removed hierarchical connection between the Servers of the second and third levels.
  • A managed device cannot connect to KSN through the KSN Proxy service if Kaspersky Security Center Linux is installed on a device that has cyrillic symbols in its name.
  • Kaspersky Security Center Linux cannot be installed on a device running Astra Linux Special Edition RUSB.10015-01 (operational update 1.8) if the closed software environment mode is disabled.
  • Kaspersky Security Center Linux does not start on a device running Astra Linux Special Edition RUSB.10015-01 (operational update 1.8) if you enable the closed software environment mode after Kaspersky Security Center Linux installation.
  • When installing Kaspersky Security Center Linux on a device running Astra Linux Special Edition RUSB.10015-01 (operational update 1.8), you have to restart services.
  • Kaspersky Security Center Web Console does not start after its installation on a device running Astra Linux Special Edition RUSB.10015-01 (operational update 1.7) if the operating system is working in the closed software environment mode.
  • Kaspersky Security Center Linux cannot be installed on a device running Astra Linux Special Edition RUSB.10015-01 (operational update 1.7) if the operating system is working in the closed software environment mode.
  • Network Agent does not restart after killing its process on a managed device running CentOS 6.6.
  • If you create the Change account password (Linux only) task for a user and enable the Set as a one-time password (the user must change the password after the first login) option, the user cannot sign in to Kaspersky Security Center Web Console after changing the one-time password.
  • You cannot start or stop Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Linux on a managed device through the Remote diagnostics utility.
  • When you import the Download updates to the repositories of distribution points or Update verification task the Select devices to which the task will be assigned option is enabled. These tasks cannot be assigned to a device selection or specific devices. If you assign the Download updates to the repositories of distribution points or Update verification task to specific devices, the task will be imported incorrectly.
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows does not support the KSN Proxy service if the Use HTTPS option is enabled in the KSN Proxy settings of the Administration Server properties, and the Administration Server address contains non-Latin characters.
  • The protection level displayed in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows policy does not correspond to the protection level in the interface of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows.
  • If an application from the Applications registry section was detected on a Linux device, the application properties do not contain information about related executable files.
  • In reports with a letter format, a page break may cut a text line horizontally.
  • In the Add secondary Administration Server wizard, if you specify an account with enabled two-step verification for authentication on the future secondary Server, the wizard finishes with an error. To resolve this issue, specify an account for which two-step verification is disabled or create the hierarchy from the future secondary Server.
  • If you open Kaspersky Security Center Web Console in different browsers and download the Administration Server certificate file in the Administration Server properties window, the downloaded files have different names.
  • A managed device that has more than one network adapter sends Administration Server information about the MAC address of the network adapter that is not the one that is used to connect to Administration Server.
  • When the Execute scripts remotely task starts, you cannot change the account it is assigned to. To change the account the task is assigned to, stop the task in the task settings and create it again with the correct account details.
  • The Change account password task may not work correctly if SELinux is enabled on the user device. For more information on disabling SELinux, refer to the relevant user guide for your operating system.

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